Lots of great advice here. NEVER too old to learn.
Check this out, if you’re interested. Excellent free course to help you learn how to learn:
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
What sort of person would be able to help me?
A car is not useful without a direction. A life is more useful with goals.
Where do you want to be in 10 years? If you don’t know, pick something. As you gain direction toward your goal, you can refine the goal. Or, since you have momentum, switch direction even.
Break down your 10-year goal. Smaller and smaller goals, 5 year, 2 year, this year, next month.
How can you help yourself? Find someone who can coach you with setting goals. A little easier than finding someone who can help you with your “life”.
This one has worked great… https://www.amazon.ca/FLAIROSOL-Dressings-Continuous-Professional-Technology/dp/B0BLHJSPHW
The exact reason I’ve never had a facebook account.