I’ve often wanted a movie/series based on the Dragonlance books or the Dark Elf trilogy. What would you all like to see done if you had the ability to do it?
The Witcher but they actually follow the source material.
I have only played The Witcher 3 and its DLCs and watched The Netflix show up until S02, so far I like it (especially the game).
I’m slowly introducing in the books/reading field, and just started with classics like Dracula (so far liking it) are the books of The Witcher stand on their own as a good entry point for my “current phase”?
I also had only played the witcher III when I started the books. The games are all set after the events of the witcher saga (books), and are honestly just really really good fan fiction based on the characters (like, really the best fan fiction you could think of), so you can feel free to just read the books.
If you’re not a big reader (if I understand the note about dracula correctly) the witcher audio books are really well done, and the stories lend themselves very well to being listened to.
Finally, I could write a treatise on the failures of the netflix show, but it would all be old news—about 10% of the show is accurate to the stories told in the text (and the text is so much better), the rest is a bunch of made-up nonsense that serves nothing other than to muddy the narrative.
In short, yes, read the books (also why do people need to ask advice about reading books these days. just read books).
Thank you for the explanation! If they are a prequel of The Witcher III then that’ll make it better for me!
(also why do people need to ask advice about reading books these days. just read books).
About this, well, there is a reason why book communities exist right? I am not asking for validation in this matter but definitely like to hear all opinions and personal experience before setting off on this kind of time consuming activity.
I will only say this: reading a book takes no more time than it does to read a bunch of bullshit on the internet. Why would one need to consult with people prior to opening a book and reading 5, 10 or, 500 pages? I would argue that opening a book and reading it first is better than asking for peoples’ opinion and permission prior to reading anything.
To paraphrase Kamina: “Don’t believe in the text, believe in the text that believes in you!”
My attention span makes reading really hard. I read this from start to finish. It’s well worth the read if you’re into stories like it
this would make an incredible adult animated series. I think doing skitter’s bugs would be difficult as a live action
The Nights Dawn Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton. Not as a trilogy, though, this would have to be series, maybe three seasons per book.
I came here to say this - Night’s Dawn (or his other massive series the Commonwealth Saga) would make excellent TV. But it would have to be skilfully made, probably animated (like Sonnie’s Edge in Love + Robots), and cover many, many seasons.
Pretty much any Brandon Sanderson book series. Mistborn, Steelheart, Way of King’s, Skyward… Etc
*Stormlight Archives
I was gonna say that… Even if I just read Way Of Kings yet. It’s so good. Really liked it.
I’m currently entering “The slump” in Wheel of time. Can’t wait to get to Brandon books.
Wot-encyclopedia.com it has excellent chapter summaries for the slog books.
Do it in full photo realistic CGI; I want to see the beautiful castles and countryside, all the delicious food, and the gruesome battles in all their glory.
The Redwall video game is actually a lot of fun, so there’s that at least 🤩
Instead of cgi I want it done with traditional cell animation on a huge budget. Like princess Mononoke or spirited away.
There already was a traditionally animated show though…
Or they could hire furries
No thanks
I’d love to see the last 3 books of The Expanse series made into a trilogy of movies.
I would prefer at least 10 episode seasons, but I’d take anything at this point. The last 3 books were the best of them all, and that’s with the first 6 being absolutely amazing as well.
Greatest series ever, I will die on that hill.
There are a couple really spectacular scenes that I really want to see visualized. In my head I extrapolated what the last 3 books would look like based on the series visualizations which made them like watching the show. That last scene with Draper though… that would be a sight to behold.
!Like a fuckin Valkyrie!< 😭
Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons
Maybe? It’s been decades since I read it, but I remember enjoying Hyperion and fucking hating Fall of Hyperion. It felt like Hyperion was amazing and well thought ought but then Fall was just mailed in.
Because Fall rushed the story with a fuck ton of plotlines. It really should have focused on continuing the story and have a third book conclude the major plotlines. That way a lot of things that happened wouldn’t feel like they were pulled out of left field.
Came here for this comment, wasn’t disappointed.
Mistborn by Brandan Sanderson.
The First Law series by Joe Abercrombie. I think it actually might become a movie.
I want to see some Brandon Sanderson novels made into movies or TV shows. Preferably animated as I don’t think a live action would work.
Word is that it’s coming. And he’s probably the most well known speculative fiction author without an adaptation.
deleted by creator
I don’t see what making a film or TV series adds to any book, all they ever seem to do is a disservice to the original story in the attempt to squeeze as much money from it as possible.
I’d rather more fully voice acted audiobooks were made staying more true to the original texts but adding that extra element to draw you in than just one narrator trying to differentiate characters with different voices.
I see your point. But if done right, the movie/show can be almost as good as the books (Fellowship of the Ring and One Piece). It just takes someone who loves the material being used or (in the case of One Piece) the creator watching over every step.
Maybe so but they are so few and far between, for me personally I can’t think of an adaptation that I have really liked. I don’t like The Lord of the Rings films that much but I actually dislike the books more in that case but I realise that I am an outlier with that opinion.
I don’t see what making a film or TV series adds to any book, all they ever seem to do is a disservice to the original story in the attempt to squeeze as much money from it as possible.
It’s that last part that effs it up. For example, I really liked Luhrman’s Romeo+Juliet. That was a creative interpretation. I enjoyed Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I thought the books were decent, but the movie captured the best bits, IMO. Early seasons of Game of Thrones were good. I like some of the changes made to move the internal dialog to conversations. It gave the side characters more life.
It’s when the artistic vision is cast aside in the name of profit, then the work of art suffers.
Damn. Went from wanting to write a short story to making a world spanning 16 novels, lol.
That’s insane
Dragonlance is a good one.
- Wheel of Time
- Mistborn
- The Uplift Saga
- The Alex Benedict Series
Wheel of Time
I’ve heard it’s bad. I can’t personally say, never watched it.
World war Z made a pretty bad movie. However, it would do a gneat TV show, in the style of these 1990’s show with in dependant episodes despite some metaplot
Abhorsen series by Garth Nix.
Didn’t realize he was pumping out more books since I read the first three in grade school. Excellent series!
Yep, he’s got three more in the series.