Mine is playing AOE2 in easiest (or standard if I want a bit of challenge) mode against 3 bots. I just build my economy, wall up (and laugh at the enemy soldiers attacking my walls in vain), reach imperial age and attack once my army reaches the population limit. I also send 104 in the chat so they don’t surrender and I can enjoy razing their all buildings one by one. If any of them builds a castle, even more fun. A build a trebuchet and watch it raze the castle from a safe distance. If there is sea, after I am done with the land, I build 3 docks, do research and build a navy and hunt down ships around the unxplored sea. It is fun, satisfying and relaxing.
What is yours?
Ah, you mean what do we do to cope with the crushing existential pressures of modern existence?
In order from productive to not productive:
Hike, photography, walking, playing music, writing music, editing photos/videos, producing music, cooking, playing videogames, Lemmy, porn.
That about accounts for all the time I’m not sleeping, working, shitting, showering, or shaving,
Sir/Madam, as an expert in this area, I draw issue with your comment: several of these can be performed WHILE shitting. The determination of which specific activities are compatible is an exercise left to the reader.
Since when is producing music less productive than playing music??
… okay so first, the word produce has like 600 definitions, so start there.
Playing music takes me away from reality and my thoughts a fuck ton more than producing ever will.
It is far more productive in terms of stabilizing mental health.
What the fuck did you think I was “producing” on hikes?
Walking and running
deleted by creator
You might also enjoy hiking, which is pretty much those two things but mostly the first.
I have two:
- Lichess vs computer, easiest setting, trying to promote as many pawns to queens as I can before checkmating.
- Civ 5, duel, Shoshone vs. Venice. No city-States, the only winning condition is time. Farming generals until Venice is reduced to a single hex.
I don’t normally watch streamers, but I suddenly want to watch you streaming lichess.
It would be kind of boring though. I rewind the moves quite a bit when I’m doing this. (Kind of weird since I make a point of never rewinding moves when actually playing, at difficulty 5.)
Whenever I feel like I need a breather, I ride my bike. Just ride, not hard or fast, just spinning the cranks. Feels amazing.
Same. Moving my body, experiencing the world, it’s good.
Agreed, this can be so zen.
Playing Palia.
Lemmy. Lol. And a nice walk with my favourite music is good too
I watch the anime gurren lagann. It’s a stupidly chaotic optimistic show that basically asks “but what if humanity really could do anything?”
Answer: we would throw around galaxys like frisbees in giant space robots.
So when I’m down I like to watch it and think maybe I can do anything if I believe.
These comments are more safe for work than I expected.
Walking, watching lets plays, playing minecraft
Smoking and watching YouTube.
Not super healthy, I know.
Doing dumb runs in EU4 while cheating. I give myself a few techs at the beginning of the game to be stronger than everyone else and focus on my objective.
For example, Hindu Hungary, Jewish Arabia, Totemist England, Tengri Russia, Protestant Ottoman Empire, destroying France as a small East Asian country and forming it again by culture converting, being Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by starting with an African country etc.
Stellaris, so similar vein as AOE2 lol.
I found this post while playing AoE2. I enjoy playing the campaign a lot because there are so many and because of the sandbox gameplay.
So I can pretty much infinitely play them and have done so from time to time since it launched :)
Op plays briton longbows for sure
Riding a bicycle, browsing forums, drinking, fishing, hiking, and vidya games.