Mine is playing AOE2 in easiest (or standard if I want a bit of challenge) mode against 3 bots. I just build my economy, wall up (and laugh at the enemy soldiers attacking my walls in vain), reach imperial age and attack once my army reaches the population limit. I also send 104 in the chat so they don’t surrender and I can enjoy razing their all buildings one by one. If any of them builds a castle, even more fun. A build a trebuchet and watch it raze the castle from a safe distance. If there is sea, after I am done with the land, I build 3 docks, do research and build a navy and hunt down ships around the unxplored sea. It is fun, satisfying and relaxing.
What is yours?
I have two:
- Lichess vs computer, easiest setting, trying to promote as many pawns to queens as I can before checkmating.
- Civ 5, duel, Shoshone vs. Venice. No city-States, the only winning condition is time. Farming generals until Venice is reduced to a single hex.
I don’t normally watch streamers, but I suddenly want to watch you streaming lichess.
It would be kind of boring though. I rewind the moves quite a bit when I’m doing this. (Kind of weird since I make a point of never rewinding moves when actually playing, at difficulty 5.)