Apparantly, (in the US) any protest that needs to occupy the road requires a permit. Yea imagine how stupid it is, you want to protest the government and you need to apply for permission?!? I was shocked when my teacher told me about this. Seems like a huge First Amendment violation to me, but society just goes along with it. 😓
So unless your protest is strictly on the sidewalk, you need a permit. So fucking dumb.
Murrica is not nearly as free as people think it is
Depends how much money you have. Poor college students will have to follow the laws.
Technically it’s the same in France. I’ll let you figure how much that stops anyone…
Some people say that French people have guillotines in their DNA 😅
So that’s why they’re so car centric with their infrastructure, more sidewalls = more protests
I think it’s probably like more roads = more permits needed to protest.
I’m in the US and all too familiar with how car centric our infrastructure is. On top of the permit thing, our angry rushed populace will demonize you for protesting anything if you’re blocking the road to do it. You could be giving CPR to a toddler and within minutes some emotional support truck would be running you over or rolling coal in your face.
Well yeah, keep your dumbasses out the fucking street.