Yeah, I’m one of those people. AMA?
It’s weird - sometimes I can kinda understand why people love cilantro so much… It’s like, I can kinda pick out the “good” flavors in it even though the overwhelming flavor that registers with me is soap. It’s a real bummer, because I love food and feel like I’m missing it on some really unique flavor profiles.
It’s always awkward having to ask for “no cilantro” in restaurants, and then explaining that it’s not an allergy. It just doesn’t taste good to me.
I’m the opposite, overall I like cilantro (to a point, too much cilantro is definitely a thing), but I do detect a little bit of that soapiness that people talk about. Luckily not too much though, it’s mostly minty to me.
Weirdly, I’m similar from the opposite side. I can see how it tastes soapy to people, I kinda detect the soapyness too. But it doesn’t ruin it for me, I like cilantro.
Candied ginger tastes like soap to me though. Fresh or powdered ginger doesn’t.
Huh. I have no problem with candied ginger (or fresh) at all. I’m not crazy about it, but it certainly doesn’t taste like soap.
Very interesting, so it’s probably unrelated.