She sounds kind of sexist. Why does it matter what sex she is? Shouldn’t everyone be treated equally regardless of sex?
She does not sound sexist. She sounds justifiably upset that the organization she works for and clearly loves is trying to erase her her involvement in it just because she is a woman.
Oh geez that would be great wouldn’t it. But it sounds like you’ve never had some tell you that you can’t do something because of your sex. Highlighting successful minorities in a field inspires and encourages others in their same position.
You have so consistently dehumanized the women in your life that this statement actually makes sense to you? Like, it’s pretty well known that women are a minority in STEM fields. What the hell you so afraid of, that celebrating a woman’s accomplishments offense you so???
Maybe stop trying to gain power over other human beings. Cause the path you’re currently on? You fucking know where it leads. And no, dragging others down will never change the hellscape of fear and paranoia you have found. You have to walk out of the valley of despair; there is no other escape.
I hope you aren’t assuming I’m a man, are you misgendering me?
I hope you realize that is irrelevant…?
Like, completely.
lol this is all you have to say for yourself. gtfo
Gods, this old chestnut… Hey, on behalf of the Trans-Non-binary community can we retire this please? Not because it’s offensive, it isn’t, we just heard it more on average and it was always just bland weak sause shit. Reseting the clock on this boring ass joke from reddit five years ago is cringe. You wanna troll somebody at least make an effort greater than “I know you are but what am I?!”
The irony of posting this in the context of someone who had been effaced specifically because of their sex is overpowering.
Can you please explain what about this sounds kind of sexist to you? We are very confused.