We haven’t disappeared. The media only covers us when we’re running presidential candidates.
Oh cool, then I’m sure you guys will start campaigning right away with some new, serious, progressive faces to go against democrats in primary elections?
No? You’ll be gone until 2028?
Prove me wrong.
Do you mean midterms? Primaries are done within parties.
Again, we are running candidates, but you likely haven’t heard about them because, like I said, we only get coverage during presidential elections.
Well until we get rid of first past the post, they have zero chance as a third party. Their only real chance would be to primary with the major party that they most align with.
Also, just because you can find one or two examples of green party candidates, does not mean that they are a real party. There is more to a political party than just allowing a person to use your party’s name while campaigning.
We need a real, grassroots, progressive party. The Green Party could clean up their act and become a serious party, and they’d still be shit because the name carries so much baggage. There are a whole lot of people who have been burned and will never vote Green Party again for the rest of their lives. Everyone would be better off with a new party.
Cool. Let me know when this new party of yours is bigger than the Greens, and I’ll join it. I’m only a Green because they’re the best party out there. If something better comes along, I’m there.
The green party is nonexistent, any party is bigger than the green party
https://www.gp.org/help_elect_a_green_to_the_milwaukee_common_council Here’s an example of them trying to get someone elected to local office.
What positions have the green party been elected to? I don’t mean nationally I mean state side.
Here you go. Currently, 161 Greens hold office in the United States.