To put a liiiiitle perspective here:
Have, or control?
That is saying, do they have 2 trillion dollars in their bank accounts or is it an Elon Musk situation where you just own companies that are literally 100-1000 tikes over valued and when you sell a good swatch of stock, the value of said stock would crash (hello, Tesla!)?
Just saying that in reality, it’s likely to be a lot less
Having said that, fuck these assholes, take it all away and let them live homeless on the street like all the people that live like that because of them
When you can use that stock as collateral for a personal loan that does go straight into your bank account… then what’s the difference?
The “unrealized capital gains” distinction stopped matering the minute we could take out collateral against it.
Like, I have huge earning potential for the next 10 years, but I cannot capitalize that the way these bullshit artists can.
Literally would be better off if I incorporated myself as a LLC with 1 employee.