Fusion 360 :(
Yes i know theres wine versions But they just dont work the same. And randomly crash.
Yes i know free cad exists, but it feels so clunky and is so much diffrent than fusion/inventor
Never got down with FreeCAD. BricsCAD has a native Linux version and works well for me, but it’s expensive. Recently, I’ve moved over to OpenSCAD. Works very well for me, but it might be hit or miss, depending on what UX you like, and what functions you need.
I 100% agree, and have Fusion360 in my VM. But there is a method to FreeCAD’s madness and once you get it, FreeCAD begins to make sense.
I found it hard to go back to fusion especially with the amount of control I had with my designs.
Also FreeCAD V1 is out, and it’s a marked improvement over their previous releases. Might be worth a try.