When nasty people pick up tricks from each other through social media you call that “conspiratoriaI theories”? I don’t think that saying grandmas talk shit to each other on Whatsapp or whatever they use is exactly Ancient Aliens or The Protocols of the Elders of Zion but go off king. Maybe I should have phrased it as open discussions of how to take revenge on Palestine supporters in Facebook comment sections. The only thing they have to “hide” on Twitter alts or Telegram is actually posting people being tortured to death by the IDF.
Wow, you’re an angry one.
That struck you as angry? Don’t go outside. You’re too thin-skinned.
He’s angry all over the fediverse lol.
👁️👄👁️ I know what you are.
Y’know, blocking is a thing. Sounds to me like it’s less an issue for you than you make out. Is passive aggressive comments your schtick? Or is this just your stellar personality in full bloom?
Go ahead and block me, my pleasure.
Fediverse devs like this have a tendency to make alt accounts and harass people. When their trolling gets a negative response on every single alt, they reason “this guy must hate everyone”.
Is there literally anything hostile in the message I sent you? You must be an anxious one.