Women don’t want to subject their children to this world. My cousin teared up the other day because she feels so bad she had kids 10 years ago and the future is so bleak. You all do not understand us at all, do you? Climate change, anyone? Why would I birth a baby that will just drown to death in a flood?
I can understand that view, I just don’t agree with it. If we don’t believe in trying to working for a better future, no matter how bad it’s looking (holy shit is it bad rn), then I feel like we might as well line up like lemmings and walk the plank.
Women have been doing the majority of the work for a better future. Men have been creating wars and destroying progress.
I agree that women on the whole generally fall on what I would consider the right side of progress while the worst of men perpetuate the worst aspects of human society, I don’t really understand what that has to do with what we’re talking about. I already stated I unequivocally support every woman’s right to do whatever they so choose with their bodies.