“Dad, what started Civil War 2?”
“Leftists got horny son, now eat your hot chip”
Like dudes aren’t going to wait 4 years to get laid. I’d give us 24 hours tops before you see left wing men dawning their blue union uniforms and writing to their sweethearts.
"My dearest Martha,
Our battalion has just crossed into Mara Lago after a fortnight of marching. I yearn to be back with you to feel your touch. We are to confront the MAGA army by dawn, and I pray that we win so I can see those sweet titties again. Until then I will keep a brave face and a musket that is loaded, much like my balls."
What the fuck am I reading?
I didn’t even realize it was one person replying to themselves until just now. What the fuck? Did they forget to switch to their alts? Is it performance art?
It was more performance art.
I was treating it more like a Twitter chain since the one liners kinda didn’t pace right in a single comment imo
But c’mon I think some of these one liners slap. This is my anger therapy.
Anyone reading this feel free to comment/ message me with your angry jokes and I’ll upvote.
The art I turned my pain into.
That art happens to be a Lemmy thread. My pain is weird.