CE is Clear Entry. If you want to hit 2 x 4, but accidentally press 2 x 44, you can press the CE button before pressing = to clear the 44 but not the “2 x” part.
C will clear all of it so you can start over at the beginning.
Pressing CE twice may or may not clear entries in reverse order, depending on you calculator model.
So you’re saying mash both a bunch of times to be super sure?
Calculators are similar to a Dark Souls game. You always restart from the beginning.
Calculators are similar to a Dark Souls game.
If that were true then mashing buttons on your calculator would prevent any inputs from being processed for a few seconds.
Fromsoft believes in punishing button-mashers.
Unless it’s Dark Souls 2 wherein you mash a couple buttons after being knocked down or rolling and manage to queue up your binoculars perfectly. This, in turn, allows you to get a really splendid look at your enemy’s grimacing face as he shoves a rather vicious and often seriously pointy metal object up your ass. All the while you’re frantically trying to roll away and accidentally toss back a flask. This manages to save you from an untimely demise until you notice that you backed up a little too much and that dude waiting to ambush took one last drag from his cigarette, flicked it away, and proceeded to club your head like he was Babe Ruth after a particularly hearty breakfast.
Then on the way back to your souls some asshole named “Forsworn” gets in your way. God only knows what his problem is.
Oh, yeah I own that calculator. I bought it from amazon, it was an extremely cheap Scientific calculator with a gimmicky writing pad that tricked me into buying it.
That’s why it never worked for me. I assumed CE was Clear Everything.
Oh my God. Me too!
We three were on the same page.
And in my mind “CE” is “Clear everything”. I’m keeping OP’s method
doesn’t everyone know it stands for Celery Endives?
Problem is on some calculators C is clear all and CE is clear entry, on some C is clear entry and AC is clear all, and some have a C/AC or CE/C button where it’s press once to clear entry and press twice to clear all.
So it’s safest to mash unless you really know your calculator, because the industry can’t get its shit together, and that’s the sole reason it died (I’m assuming.)
Should be replaced with a backspace icon and a trash can icon
Shit. I thought it was clear and clear everything. I guess this is why I also push both buttons rapidly and make sure to just retype everything
But sometimes CE is “Clear Everything” and it works exactly the opposite way.
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And it all depends on the calculator. The one right next to me only has a CE button and it acts as a C button. So not even the people making them know what they do sometimes.