Best we leave them alone. I watched the Magicians, I know the whales are busy maintaining the sigils that the old gods used to lock away the krackens.
Do you want krakens? This is how we get krackens,
Yes. In fact, I have spent a long portion of my life starting my morning with demands of the release of the kraken.
We’re not learning the lesson fast enough. The kraken will either be another step in our downfall, or we can start feeding people to them until things get better.
My worry is that the wrong people would be fed to the kraken. That is to say, the people who made the current mess and keep it making it worse will not be consumed
The kraken works in mysterious ways. We must trust in their decisions.
I’m actually not so against krakens at this point
as someone living in a city where even the closest proper river is a couple km away, i’d sure like to see the krakens try to threaten me.
These aren’t cutesy Clash of the Titan’s krackens, these are “shatter the world as they hatch from it” krackens.
oh apocalypse is it? how original, they’ve got some hundred odd years if they want to beat us to the punch.