Pleeeease let the second game be alone with no other characters other than if you’re playing multiplayer. The writing in BZ was uhhhhhh okay. I gave Subnautica an 8/10 but BZ a 6/10. On the real scale, not the stupid-ass game review scale. 6/10 is a good game with flaws.
They’ve got Seth Dickinson as part of the writing team and literally everything I’ve read of his is fantastic, including game stuff and his novels and short stories, so I’m hopeful.
That brings me hope!
BZ went from a solid 8 to a low 3 for me when they removed all emotional attachment you had after they decided they couldn’t do anywhere with their story when it was in beta. The new story they filled it with I just couldn’t get into.
But yea, they so need to have no other people for the immersion factor