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An excellent example of spending your points all over the place and somehow ending up with an actually pretty broken build.
It’s like a Swiss army knife of biological features
Platypus have been around for over 110 million years. Nothing broken about that build!
“broken build” here likely refers to the phrase as defined by gamers to function as synonymous to “overpowered”.
As in, “the build is so broken you can’t/it is difficult to play against it”. This phraseology could be used by either an ally or an enemy, but it contextually changes connotation from positive for allies to negative for enemies.
Build is often used as a shorthand for a character’s combination of items, skills, and levels (as the various games define it).
Thanks, I (mis-?) interpreted it as a gamers build that doesn’t work because they spread abilities rather than min-maxing.
So they were created about the same time as dinosaurs and flowers? Evolution was feeling really creative at that part of Cretaceous.
After the platypus, evolution started looking into input validation.