That and it’s a sequel to a move made in 1988. It was always destined to be a soulless nostalgia cash grab.
Like everyone else said, doesn’t beat the original, but it was fun for what it was. Certainly kept a lot of the same spirit, which is more than I can say for a lot of these soulless reboot/sequel cash grabs these days
Eh, it’s alright for what it is. It’s a sequel that’s mostly enjoyable and entertaining. And feels like classic Burton through and through. Catherine O’Hara and Michael Keaton are also obviously having a lot of fun.
Meh it was enjoyable enough. It’s certainly not overtaking the original as the better, but it was a fine hour and a half our whatever.
Actually, everything is a remix
I was pleasantly surprised. I went and saw it with my mother since the original was one of her favorites to watch with me growing up. She was actually more critical of it than I was, which doesn’t happen very often, but at the same time I think she had higher expectations than I did. (Mine were not very high)