Once again… the classic argument of: “Well, I grew up using this system, and I’m used to the system. I have built an internal intuition for how hot and cold the temperature is. I am used to >100 being hot! 40 is not hot!”
Well then. I grew up using celcius and… “IT’S FOURTY FUCKING ONE DEGREES OUTSIDE?” sounds just as hot.
Yeah, I grew up in Fahren-wasteland, but have lived in Celsi-heaven for 7 years. I embraced it, and now when someone says “40 FUCKING DEGREES!!” I know exactly what they’re talking about. It’s hot. You probably don’t have an air con. It’s misery.
Yeah, but you can’t argue that adding a whole digit doesn’t make it seem bigger. And take a kid who doesn’t yet know either system. They for sure will think 107 is hotter then 41. That said, I wish everywhere that gave a temp in the US would give both so I could get a better sense of Celsius. Most apps and such let you choose one or the other, but not both.
On the other hand it dilutes the effect of lower values because a lot of them are double digit. 20F, 40F, 60F… all double digit, but wildly varying. On the other hand, with Celsius you get:
- Below 0: There’s ice/snow.
- 0: Things are freezing/thawing (depending on what the temperature was before.
- 10s (Spring): T-shirt weather.
- 10s (Fall): Sweater weather.
- 20s: Nice in the sun.
- 30s: Nice in the shade.
I do like 0 as freezing. We should have a new one where 0 is 0C, and 100 is 100F. Or maybe 1000 is 100F so I can get my extra resolution without decimals
I read that as “take that from a kid who doesn’t know either system,” and I was about to say are you living under a rock or something?
I could only wish to be so oblivious. :)
The joke
Your head
No… I get it… 41 < 105… I totally agree haha funny joke. I’m just over this debate. Who gives a fuck what temperature scale you use? Just use the one you know. We have conversions for that reason.
No, that’s not it, we’re measuring in incredulity units, which are syllables.
“One hun-dred and se-ven?!” == 6 syllables
“For-ty one?!” == 3 syllables
Also, the first one has more vowel sounds to really draw out to indicate higher levels of I-can’t-even. It sounds only golly-jeepers in Celsius, and much more I’m-so-done-with-this-shit in Fahrenheit.
Ah true.