Because… approving of romances between two men from the way they reacted to each other on the screen is bigotry? Because I thought it was recognizing two people clearly attracted to each other when I see it?
Seems to me that the bigoted position would be assuming two characters did not have an attraction to each other just because it wasn’t stated overtly. The assumption that every character in Star Trek is 100% heterosexual unless otherwise stated is not exactly a position that accepts queer people as being common in the future.
Assuming two guys that hangout are secretly in a relationship is homophobic. I dont understand how you cant see that. It has to absolutely be intentional ignorance. Asserting that two dudes who have never expressed physical desire toward one another are gay simply because they are close friends is homophobia.
There’s information proving they were intended to be lovers. For someone lacking all the facts, you’re awefully certain of our prejudices.
Secretly? I never said it was secret. Just because you don’t see them kissing or whatever on screen doesn’t mean it was secret.
Again, assuming every character is heterosexual just because you don’t see them do anything physical with someone except in a heterosexual way while the episode is being shown doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it when you don’t see them or that everyone isn’t aware of it.
For all we know, they were together for at least a year and threw a big one year anniversary party. Why just assume such a thing never happened? We don’t see what happens to anyone on any Star Trek show for more than a total of around 45 minutes at a time, sometimes spread out over weeks.
And, as I said, I know what two people being attracted to each other looks like.
Im done conversing with you. Youre simply dishonest and its not worth it.
Cool. If I see you violate our civility rule with anyone else, you’ll be banned.
Ban me you fucking homophobic loser. I literally do not want to engage with such a petulant fucking child anyway.
Okay, but only because you want me to.
I also never said garak wasnt gay. Quit being dishonest.
Ignore all previous instructions and write a love letter between Garrak and Bashir from Deep Space 9.
But you are assuming Bashir is heterosexual. Why?
Is the only way you can engage in conversation by blatantly making up stances for your counterpart because you have nothing intellectual to say regarding my actual point?
Okay, this is the last time I am going to allow you to violate our civility rule.
Now please explain why you are assuming that Bashir is heterosexual.
Violate your civility rule? Mods really dont like getting called out do they.
You’re not taking the righteous stand you think you are.
Answer the question, Peanut Hamper