Make it roleplay. See, this is why I loved Fourth Edition’s Warlord class.
“Haragrimm, you’ve exposed yourself! Scurry back before they return fire!”
Power gaming is fun if it’s also roleplay.
This is an interesting idea but I think the other player would just be confused and annoyed, out of character.
Some people don’t play the games for tactics. Don’t have the head or interest for it. And that’s fine. I just don’t really want to be at that table if we’re doing stuff that looks like tactical combat.
People who don’t like tactics shouldn’t play D&D. They should play fun and cool games like Monster of the Week or Blades in the Dark. D&D is a wargame first. Tactics are part of the fantasy for D&D, especially if you have a warlord in the party. Why didn’t they put the warlord in 5E? It was an awesome class.
People who don’t like tactics shouldn’t play D&D. They should play fun and cool games like Monster of the Week or Blades in the Dark.
100%. D&D’s main things are tactics and resource management.
But D&D is the mega popular brand that people know, and they often don’t want to learn something else. Even if they don’t actually know D&D’s rules.
I personally like Fate a lot for a simpler ruleset that’s actually flexible and generic. I’ve been running a Fate game for about 20 sessions and it’s been fun, even though the players don’t always remember to spend fate points for story details.
Whenever I get a brand new group of players, I teach them Dungeon World. I tell them it’s like D&D, but easier. This prevents the transformation into a normie, because they will always know that other systems are easy and fun.