Shameless plug: I am the author.

    48 months ago

    Whoa I’m a stickler for getting as much as I can out but even I have .zshenv and some other too hard to figure out things in there. How’d you manage a total wipeout?

      8 months ago

      zsh is actually easy and it is detailed in the archwiki

      You have to set $ZDOTDIR in /etc/zsh/zshenv and iirc that was the only location that required root to edit.

      For the rest of stuff, here is how I fix steam for example and you can check the rest of my dotfiles for how I configured zsh and all of that.

      Although I haven’t updated them, I still had a .local directory back then, it was 1 week ago that I changed .local for Local and that let to an issue with distrobox which I made a PR fixing it that’s still open though.