My life is rich but I have no monies. Tax break? 🥹
So close: “tax breaks, for the rich.” If poor people stop paying tax too, whos going to pay to enforce enforce all the exploitation and wealth extraction done by the rich?
God? Allah? Buddha?
Lol exactly, no one.
The first rule of colonisation is to make the colonised pay for their own colonisation.
Were you trying to prove a point?
I definitely made one but it seems to have come across wrong or rude. That wasn’t my intention.
I was playing with you the entire time and you really thought you knew something huh
Lol sure, as you can tell from my comments here, I was being deadly serious the whole time.
Youre the one who got all weird. Everyone else could tell I was joking around. I even let you know my intention wasn’t to be rude and that it seems to have been taken the wrong way.
You’re the problem here.
Oh ok, so all your comments were just jokes and you don’t actually believe that? Who is everyone else? Did you take a poll? I don’t give two fucks about politeness, you’re a coward who’s scared of confrontation irl and apologize all the time for no reason. I like how you put lol after shit that’s not funny like some kind of nervous tic.