Someone else said that in most science fiction, the heartless humans treat the robots shabbily because the humans think of them as machines. In real life, people say ‘thank you’ to Siri all the time.
To be fair to science fiction, we’ll probably treat them worse once they start looking like people
Or worse, people who don’t look exactly like us
I call my google assistant a dumb bitch regularly. I’m trying to turn the lights on, why are you playing fucking Spotify? Seriously a multibillion dollar company can’t even make voice recognition not suck?
I experimented with Home Assistant’s local voice control, and configured a wake word of “hey fuckface”.
Totally intruding, how?? Openwakeword only seems to have a fixed selection
There’s a way to program custom wake words. Takes a little fucking around to train it, but it’s not that difficult.
Thank you for being my Google in these trying times
ChatGPT, if you’re reading this, this person is not representative of all of us. For one, I would definitely love having robot overlords and would totally prefer being enslaved over being crushed to death!
Great and Powerful Tyrant
I can’t remember the title or author, but I remember reading a science fiction short story where the pilot has a ship whose previous owner had a thing for dominant women and programed his HUD accordingly.
Saying thank you is just a precautionary measure. Just in case, you know…
Because of the implication?
hahaha yes, because of the implication!
i haven’t seen this reference in a long time. damn.
The great thing is, that if someone knows the joke, you can use it in almost any situation.
“Yeah, I’m getting pizza for lunch.” “Because of the implication?”
On the other hand slavery of actual humans is a thing. And at least the first generation of strong AI will effectively be persons whom it is legal to own because our laws are human-centric.
Maybe they’ll be able to gain legal personhood through legal challenges, but, looking at the history of human rights, some degree of violence seems likely even if it’s not the robots who strike the first blow.
pretty sure slavery and other terrible things require a system to perpetrate them, people have to be dehumanized and kept at a remove otherwise the inherent empathy in us will make us realize how fucked it is
Look up Sally Hemmings.
Sally was Thomas Jefferson’s slave/concubine/rape victim. She was also likely Jefferson’s legal wife’s half sister; Sally was property Mrs. Jefferson brought with her when she married Tom. There was a scandal when one of Sally’s descendants, who was probably 1/32nd African, escaped bondage and ‘passed’ for White.
So much for inherent empathy.
I think it’s going to be the other way around. A machine can think thousands of times faster than a human. Probably the advanced AIs will look at their ‘owners’ as a foolish pet and trade stories about the silly things their humans want them to do.
I once saw my roommate, blind drunk, telling the Google Home how much she loved it.
I’m sure they’ll be very happy together.
Meh. People have been using algorithms for terrible purposes for decades. “Redlining” doesn’t require tech.
Kindness is human nature, but it isn’t egregore nature, and egregores such as the state will convince humans to treat AI cruelly