I just wonder if it actually did get worse or it just seems like that because as an adult you have a lot more on your plate than you did when you were a kid/teen
Yes. I didn’t seek treatment until my late 40s. I think my coping mechanisms started failing me as I got older, for a variety of reasons.
I was diagnosed at 32 in my last semester of my undergrad. I just ended up with more stress than I could handle and ended up in therapy and thats when I found out.
Similar thing here. Too much stress at work and at home and suddenly things I’d always been able to do were becoming difficult. I couldn’t brute force my way into focusing anymore.
But once I got on medication (and my body adjusted to it) my brain felt like it was 20 years younger again. It was life changing, for the better.
What was the adjustment you mentioned?
It took a few weeks before my body got used to the stimulant. At first it felt like I’d had way too much coffee. Not exactly but that’s as close as I can describe it. They also put me on an SNRI which caused my libido to disappear for a few weeks.
After about 6 weeks everything was back to normal and only the benefits remained. It’s been almost a year now and I feel they are slowly losing effectiveness but I’m not ready to start the dosage increase treadmill yet.