I think this is a consequence of any (unregulated) capitalistic system in general. The system is founded on money, more money will give anyone more influence and power over the system
It’s a consequence of our “growth at all costs” take on capitalism. Capitalism is only livable for the average person when it’s kept in check by a strong government and corruption is vigorously prosecuted. We’ve decided that corruption just happens and there’s nothing we can do about it, and so there are no disincentives to corrupting government.
This has nothing to do with an economic system. This same shit is worse even in communist systems, and I’m not even going to try and point fingers at that system and say it is.
The real reason is because of power, and a class system that protects its own.
Only struggle is the class struggle
Correct, no clue why I pointed this out and got downvoted but you say the same thing and get people agreeing with you…guess I should have kept with the “capitalism bad” circle jerk.
because the class system is built into capitalism.
you can’t have unchecked capitalism without an exploited underclass.
and you said it has nothing to do with the economic system, which is false, hence the downvotes…
The ability to move upward in capitalism is much greater than in any other current economic system. Acting like capitalism is the sole reason for the current divide is silly
I mean… you’re correct lol