How about the useless censoring of asshole
What if it was “aააhole”? Guess we’ll never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You’re both wrong, it’s a33hole. The 3s look like little butts.
Did snakes trade their limbs for two butts?
Self-censoring is just getting stupid nowadays. I can’t remember which social media platform it is, but you have people censoring words like k*ll, and I just find it utterly ridiculous.
Tiktok has some super arbitrary automatic filters that look at description + ORC text in the video and will black hole anything that matches certain words.
Like anything, there ends up being folklore about what words trigger the filtering (cos there is no public list) so people end up censoring stuff that might actually be fine, but it’s hard to know for sure
tiktok and instagram shadowban any content that mentions or writes kill, death, suicide, assault, sex, rape, nazi, among others. Apparently, YT will demonetize any video that uses those no-no words, too
I believe, TikTok does this. Basically, the Algorithm will bury your post, if it detects a bad word, so people are censoring to trick the Algorithm.
I fully expect a return to leet speak or “double-plus ungood”-like language.
i’ve already seen tons of people use “unalive”, and my favourite is simply censoring things with a deadpan “youtube” added in post.
I remember there being an instance in fediverse that censored profanity, so it’s not always self-censorship
LemmyML will block slurs, including some that aren’t universally recognized as slurs (especially those based in ableism and misogyny)
I mean, the idea of building a place where people don’t use slurs is appealing, but the method looks quite a bit off to me
I personally enjoy not seeing slurs.
Pretty sure that word is “armhole”
Or the useless apostrophe