The only few reason I know so far is software availability, like adobe software, and Microsoft suite. Is there more of major reasons that I missed?
This right here is why the Linux community needs to pick a single desktop that just works for people who are switching over for gaming purposes.
Yeah, having the choice of multiple Distros is great from a technical perspective. But most people forgot what it was like on Windows.
Gamers are not interested in distro hopping on their first time attempt to get Linux to work.
If we’re going to say that a benefit of Linux is the multiple distros to a new person, you had better warn them that some distros are not as easy to work with as others. Looking at the cool desktop pictures on the website is not a sign that a distro is easy to work with.
Right, but this is why you do the bare minimum research before choosing a distro. Find one that fits your needs. If you’re going to use the PC for mostly gaming, and you install a distro that’s notoriously bad for gaming, that’s kind of on you.
As an experienced Linux user, yes, but as someone who has only used Windows, that wisdom is not in place.
By the time they get burned out by trying two random Distros, they are going to be pissed and if you say “You should have checked” they will remain on Windows out of spite, even after Windows goes under.
That’s where we need HoloOS but (if possible) fully open source, Lead by a major decision maker doing the QA and keeping it in one direction.
Users could submit their fixes to make it better for everyone.