At least Starfield was a functional, if boring, videogame at launch
Cyberpunk was functional at launch, I beat the entire game week one. I experience no game breaking bugs, there were numerous non game breaking bugs but nothing that took me out of the experience much.
I did my playthrough on the superior PC platform though.
Nevermind the fact it was so shit on consoles they literally took it out of storefronts and the innumerous broken things regardless of platform. The game ran like ass on a fucking 3080. Even on PC it was worse than PS3 Skyrim currently, and I should know because I have like 500 hours on that (200 are loading screens)
Cyberpunk has some story telling flaws as well, but people look past that now
I’m not qualified to talk about how those games have storytelling problems, but I can say for certain that the game, on a mechanical level (i.e freedom to role play, being able to finish quests in a variety of ways, etc) was not what they pitched.
Yeah that’s true
Honestly, people who say it’s a great RPG have not played any good RPGs, but it’s a fucking legit FPS. I finished it like 3 times {including launch day} start to finish and the most enjoyable thing is the gunplay builds you can make
It’s as much of an rpg as Fallout 3 and 4. As in, it’s an fps with some very light rpg mechanics.
I’d say FO3 has more RPG mechanics than 4 and 2077.
It’s also the worst written of the 3