A fan made mod.
Not to take anything away from them but other than not being on an official YouTube channel I did think this was a brand new game given it says ‘official’. A bit deceiving.
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It having official in the title has nothing to do with whether it’s a Valve game or a mod, though. It just means that it’s a trailer released by the developer themselves and not some random person, that’s all that official means.
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The meaning is contextual.
Exactly: and it says “official trailer” — separated from the rest by a fancy hyphen just like what I have used. The context is quite clear that it’s the trailer that’s official, and thus the meaning is quite clear as well.
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This is all you failing to understand something very simple.
It’s the official trailer for the mod, that’s all it means.
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It makes me not want to play the mod for their manipulative use of the word in their advertising.
You think they’re trying to trick you into
check notes
playing a free mod?
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I like how you replied without actually addressing what I said, nor emphasizing what it is I “missed”. Seems kind of pointless, no?
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Not my job to make your argument for you. I made my response based on what you said. If you want to reword or emphasize something relevant go ahead. Otherwise it just sounds like “No, you, um totally misunderstood me! Ya, that’s it! I’m not going to tell you how though, just keep re-reading it until you agree with me!”
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I did. You clearly didn’t understand. Read my posts again.
Implying being creator of a popular mod doesn’t open a lot of doors.
I changed it, thanks
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It also uses the name “Portal” in a way that feels official, too. If it said “Revolution: A Portal mod” it’d be fine.
How does it “feel official”? It’s just what a lot of mods do:
- Portal: Prelude
- Portal: The Flash Version (though this one is a standalone game)
- Half-Life: Echoes
- Half-Life: Caged
These are just a few I can think of, you can find more on Steam and ModDB.
In addition to what others have said (all those examples are equally misleading IMHO), given that its the 25th Anniversary of Half-Life, a lot of us are primed to hope for news of a new game from Valve.
Dont forget Hunt Down the Freeman… Remember that dumpster fire? Pee-yew.
I was surprised to see another Portal game being announced, but finding out it’s a fan-made mod actually has me more interested.
Fan-mods are where you can see some neat shit because they’re not trying to maximize profits, they’re just trying to make something cool.