dude, put down meth-jesus pipe and pick up anthropology of religion 101
I’ve spent a fair bit of time looking at the academic background of the religious tradition ranging from things like this to this thread.
you’ve linked the same thread twice
and i mean taking broader perspective, personally i like 10000 years long perspective
And yeah, I’ve studied that too, from pre-history to the Sumerians. I’m not really sure what’s your point?
For example, there’s only one extant text from antiquity explicitly describing the idea of evolution. And only one religious tradition citing that text. Which happens to also be the religious tradition claiming that an original humanity which arose spontaneously ended up creating the creator of our own cosmos, which is a copy of the one that occurred naturally.
Go ahead and show me what other religious tradition BCE was claiming things like “the cosmos and man existed from natural causes” along with “man later created God.”
If you actually study the history of religion, this one existing at all with the ideas it has is weird and anachronistic as shit.