Chrome OS saw a good raise too. OS X(Mac) saw a decrease.

  • Phoenixz
    2 years ago

    technical problems

    Like what, exactly? I can only imagine drivers and even drivers aren’t a really huge deal anymore

    niche software

    Again like what? Most softwares either have perfectly fine alternatives or if not, may even run transparently in Linux. A lot of times it’s just “slightly different” and requires a person to just stick with it for a while.

    Also, try KDE desktop. It’s more a windows look and feel whilst being plain better and prettier and won’t scare people off so easily

    Edit: why the downvotes? I’m sincerely curious to what the problems are

      2 years ago

      I’m a fairly technically savvy person. And yet, since the drivers do not support the fingerprint sensor and the windows hello camera on my laptop. I am trucking along without.

      But, not everyone is going to have the same leniency for tech they bought. Also the bluetooth is ridiculously flaky. Sure I could change the driver/software and all from CLI but the layperson is not going to be adept at that.