What level are you starting at? If it’s a decently high level, then that’s understandable.
Level 2. Most of the backstory regards learning about various scientific things like how to extract cholrine gas, the creation and use of gunpowder and cannons, crude biowarfare, anatomy and physiology, etc. Also the details of my pact and some of the interactions I’ve had with my patron, who I am slowly growing to distrust
Also created a short list of the various war crimes I was involved with between the ages of 8 and 12, as I was learning alchemy on the job
I mean, you do you, but that’s like a lot of backstory for a level 2. If it’s fun for you and your table, then more power to you.
For my other characters I’ve played, I either don’t do a backstory or do a paragraph with potential plot points highlighted. A long backstory that nobody will read is more about maintaining the ritual circle of play, so we can all stay immersed when I decide to invent zeppelins or machine guns. I don’t pull shit like this in Adventurer’s League lol
Yeah man, I wasn’t hating. Like I said, if your table is having fun then more power to you.