A survey of more than 24,000 people across 30 countries revealed 57% of Gen Z men felt their nation had “gone so far in promoting women’s equality that we are discriminating against men.”
Six in 10 Gen Z men also said they were being asked to do too much to support women, with 28% adding that a father who stayed home to look after his children is less of a man than those who went to work.
Across the board, Gen Z had more extreme views on their role in creating an equal society than any other generation. For example, only 12% of baby boomers agreed with the statement that fathers staying home meant they were less of a man.
Overall, however, 62% of men across countries including the U.S., Australia, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan said that achieving gender equality is of personal importance to them."Despite the divisive headlines, our survey highlights that most people—including men—still agree that achieving gender equality…is important to them personally. Many problems we face are shared, and all genders can and should come together to address the challenges we face as a society, as only by uniting our efforts can we meet them."
BofA Deez!
Yep. Been saying for a minute Gen Z are the new boomers. Really fucked up.
Gen Z is in a VERY weird space around gender politics actually. There’s a minor, unintentional sex strike going on, where Gen Z women lean strongly liberal and don’t want to date conservatives, but Gen Z men lean conservative. The difficulty in finding like minded partners has led (many) young men to be even MORE reactionary and isolated, while Gen Z women are more sexually liberated, more likely to identify as queer and more likely to be open to dating women demographically than other generations of women. IDK if that sort of thing has a real precedent, but we do know that lots of sexually frustrated young men creates a dangerous situation.
I honestly think the internet is a major component of the problem. People online are not good ambassadors of any perspective, and a lot of them are literally working in bot farms with the express purpose of making people stupider and more divided. Like, imagine if your only exposure to leftist thinking was some of the vote-spoiling, feckless, whiny, disingenuous garbage that was polluting Lemmy so heavily leading up to the election. How much of the internet is just that?
In the same way that internet brain-rot has caused the right to devolve into ever-escalating authoritarian bootlickery and snowballing racist, queerphobic, misogynistic bigotry, it’s also influenced portions of the left away from solidarity and practical change into useless infighting, finger-wagging, and ideological self-congratulation. In an environment where even a lot of genuine posters who haven’t been explicitly hired to destroy society seem to favor dunking on people over actually getting anything done, it’s not really surprising to see the advancement of progressive ideologies backsliding even while many of the ideas they promote become more popularized.
We need better tactics. Maybe most importantly, we need to figure out a way to combat this divisiveness for hire that’s infecting every corner of the internet by some other means than just bickering with trolls.
The algorithmic social media feeds on the big corporate platforms are still a major problem. I watch clips of old sitcoms and animal videos on YouTube and despite making vigorous use of the “do not recommend channel” button, I’ve been getting recommended “women getting owned” content and semen retention nonsense; I honestly don’t even know what I clicked that would suggest that I’d be interested in that shit, but the algorithm is pretty clearly still pipelining men into the chud ecosystem and if they lack political experience and context, then it’s very easy for them to get sucked in.
If it’s still causing you problems, try deleting your entire watch history and then immediately go and click on some of your favorite videos, topics, or interests and let the videos play for a while.
I had to do this once to stop being shown stuff I didn’t want to see, and it seemed to help.
You’re absolutely correct, though. Whatever you click on the algorithm will aggressively push similar content to you. If you aren’t paying attention, it will happily shovel slop, and I can see why youth would be taken down an alt right rabbit hole.
That suggestion sounds like something that I should try. Thank you! 🦊
Edit: A couple days later after doing this and I can confidently say that this definitely cleaned up the feed a bit. Would recommend.
You’re very welcome! Another tip I forgot to mention is to go into your settings and turn off auto-play videos. That setting might be mobile only? I can’t remember off the top of my head, but I found that’s how I started seeing stuff I didn’t want to.
It was auto playing videos and sometimes would play a few seconds of something I had no interest in, and then try to show me more of that as a result. This should help!
There was a week or so where I kept getting pushed shock content that was really gross and this was what helped fix it for me.
In the future if you ever click on a video and realize you don’t like it at all, you can go into your watch history and delete it there manually and it should help keep it from recommending similar videos too.