nginx (“engine x”) is an HTTP web server, reverse proxy, content cache, load balancer, TCP/UDP proxy server, and mail proxy server. […] [1]
I still pronounce it as “n-jinx” in my head.
- Title (website): “nginx”. Publisher: NGINX. Accessed: 2025-02-26T23:25Z. URI:
- §“nginx”. ¶1.
Wow, I never knew people thought it was pronounced differently. Never even considered it looked like jinx.
I’ve never heard it pronounced any other way than “engine x”.
I’ve never heard it pronounced. Which is why I also thought it was “n-jinx”
When I first encountered it, it was by hearing it. It took longer than it probably should have to recognize that when people talked about “engine x”, they meant “in-jinks”
I heard it spoken first as well, but I ended up seeing it in text form not long after. I think it would have been more confusing if that hadn’t been the era of internet companies thinking they were clever if they dropped a letter (usually a vowel).
And I will always pronounce SQL as “squeal”
I say PSQL as Pee Sequel
That’s great actually!
My workplace calls it “n-jinx”, we know its nonstandard but its still what is understood by the team.
Saying nginx with a “hard g” can get you into some real trouble…
Is that rap slang if you’re referring to a lady? 😬🫣
I think software name pronunciation discussions are so hilariously absurd that I sometimes purposefully vocalise nginx as “Nuhh Ginks” just to put a hat on it
I pronounce k8s as k-eights sometimes on purpose to gauge the reactions
Wait do you mean “kates” or “Kay-Eights”? I think either makes sense and I wouldn’t raise an eyebrow
If you said it like “Kuhh-Eights” I would probably laugh
En Guh Inks
One time I was getting estimates for server software for an embedded device I had made. In a teleconference, I told one company that our prototype server ran on nginx. They emailed us an estimate saying we had to switch our embedded system to Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, and put the server on Microsoft’s cloud, because “Engine X is not an enterprise web server.”
I thought it was pronounced N-G-N-X
Where did the I go?
To be or not to be, that is the question
And postgresql is pronounced post-gres-Q-L, even though it probably should be post-gre-SQL
I just pronounce it postgres. That’s the original name of the database. It originally had its own query language (quel), and SQL was later retrofitted onto it and called PostgreSQL. But the original quel language is long gone that we may as well go back to calling it just Postgres.
A colleague pronounces it “Postgré”
What’s the difference? Those read the same to me. Do you mean that you want a strong gap between “gre” and the S in S-Q-L?
The first one is post-grez-queue-el, the second one is post-gree-es-queue-el
The first is the only way that makes sense, the second too easily becomes post-grease-queue-el. Which is horrible.
I will be calling it post-grease from now on.
PSA: it’s acshully pronounced “Postgre-squirrel”.
I’ve always pronounced it “not-Apache”
And JSON is pronounced “javascripton“
JavaScript is actually pronounced with a g.
Gagascript. One is soft, one is hard.
That is the lamest decepticon transformer I’ve ever heard of
Occasionally i feel myself longing back to the good ol’ JSOFF times.
It’s a real book 💀
It’s fantastic too!
TIL some people pronounced it n-jinx
I mean every time I hear about the damn thing it’s because it’s been misconfigured and is causing some fucking ruckus. The whole thing is cursed so jinx really feels appropriate where I’m standing from.
like how
in my head is “curl” and not “c-url”It is pronounced like “curl” though!
We pronounce curl with an initial k sound. It rhymes with words like girl and earl. This is a short WAV file to help you:
…it’s not “curl”?
EDIT (2025-02-27T04:15Z):
cURL (pronounced like “curl”, /kɜːrl/) […] [1]
- Title (article): “cURL”. Publisher: Wikipedia. Published: 2025-02-20T12:12Z. Accessed: 2025-02-27T04:17Z. URI:
- ¶1
- Title (article): “cURL”. Publisher: Wikipedia. Published: 2025-02-20T12:12Z. Accessed: 2025-02-27T04:17Z. URI:
This is “jif” levels of upsetting me
Make me