Besides Marcan resignation, not much on other recent turmoils, or, more importantly in my view, the use of “Thin blue line” in the language of the anti-rust dev

    2025 days ago

    linus just acted like the adult in the room. im glad hes there for it.

    its not even like the children have to stop playing with C now, just that they will have to share the damn playground a little bit.

    • ReallyZenOP
      24 days ago

      …After coming in mid-fight with “you are the problem”, acting just like another bickering drama-queen & solving nothing, worsening the situation & prompting actual damage.

    1225 days ago

    As unfortunate as this whole episode has been, it is great to have this clarity from Linus. It feels like quite a straight-forward guideline to apply to future situations. Hopefully it will really cut down on the noise and drama between the pro-Rust and anti-Rust camps in the kernel.

    As long as Linus stays consistent with the stance he outlined here, things should go well.

    • ReallyZenOP
      24 days ago

      A bit late tho. This should have been his first reaction, as underlined in the article, rather than coming after losing Marcan and Herbst.

      As a Asahi user I am a bit partial to this: the kernel has tons of corporate-backed devs on a stable payroll - Asahi is 100% volunteers, and this shit reminds us of the frailty of it all.

      And of the human being behind: