Crypto is backed by nothing.
If no one wanted to buy it, it’s worth nothing.
It’s crazy to see them pivot from “we need a gold backed US dollar” to this
A federal crypto reserve would only benefit the scoundrels and scammers who helped fund Trump’s presidential campaign.
No shit! Are you telling me that the turd is not trying to help anyone but those who put him where he is, while not giving a fuck about the people?!
I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.
But would he profit? That’s really the only question he wants answered.
Maybe but there is someone close to him who would massively profit from this “pump”
And how can I get some of that money too, should be the chief concern of congress and policy makers .
At this point I can be my most crazy self with these sentences and I probably would not be too off the mark, or at least decently inaccurate
Actually ive asked that question for myself. Are they gonna try to do a pump and dump of bitcoin or another crypto? Is there at least a way to get in on it before they crash it and make something off it?
Not many normal people made bank that last term, so I have doubts.
Perhaps a lucky few this time, seeing that there will be much more happening?
The reason the world is becoming such a terrible place is that people are piling onto the greed train in an effort to “get mine while the getting good”. Playing the game makes the world a worse place.
Maga entering their shitcoin pump and dump rugpull phase huh?