I love all types of games but for real immersion and escape nothing beats a single player FPS
I dislike people enough in my day to day life. Why would I want them in my video games?
Saw this article before and the title is very misleading. 53% is barely “most”, and the biggest takeaway from it is that gamers age 16-24 greatly prefer multiplayer games while people aged 25-34 prefer multiplayer as much as singleplayer. Those age groups are probably most of the market.
53% is barely “most”
This is a really bizarre point to try to make, to me. The headline doesn’t say “the vast, overwhelming percentage of gamers”… It says most. 53% is most.
The bigger problem I had was with the categories, really.
That 3% could be a rounding error, “most” implies a much bigger difference, the title should say that half gamers prefer singleplayer games.
It doesn’t though. It doesn’t even need to mean more than half, it means more than anything else. If there are 8 groups of 10 and 1 group of 20, the last group has the most members.
“Most” in more than a simple majority in my understanding of English as a non-native speaker. “More” would be a better word for it. I’d also take “single player is the most popular” of two game modes which is true but still implies more than 6% difference.
Are you Spanish or Arabic speaking by any chance?
No. I am a native English speaker and writer.
People with lots of time and friends prefer multiplayer games more than people with little time and friends. Go figure.
I would assume people with lots of friends and little time will like them even less.
If randoms were less toxic and if a guild could stay together I’d prefer multiplayer but alas people are generally toxic asshats and most guilds don’t last very long any more.
Thankfully there have been a bunch of good single player games lately.
This whole article sucks. Here were the choices for player preference:
- Couch co-op
- Online PVP
- Single player
Is it true that most players prefer single player games? Maybe. Last year’s unanimous game of the year was largely considered a “single player game”, but while it’s definitely not live service, it also won the award for best multiplayer. What does Halo count as? Halo 2 and 3 are single player, couch co-op, online co-op, couch PVP (not an option in this survey), and online PVP. If Halo 2 is your favorite game, it could be for any of those reasons, but they also all play off of one another to form a richer game as a whole. I wouldn’t want to exclude one of those things in favor of another.
Single-player games are a safer bet for new games…Make no mistake: the costs to make AAA single-player, non-live service games have inflated to astronomic levels. Leaks from Insomniac showed that PlayStation’s AAA flagship games, like Spider-Man 2, have budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. But there is a growing opportunity for AAA studios to make leaner single-player games.
Look, especially when you factor in costs, like the paragraph after this does, it’s correct to say that a safer bet is the one that can be made more cheaply, but even these examples of successes are cherry-picked. I could just as easily bring up Tales of Kenzera: Zau, Immortals of Aveum, or Alone in the Dark to show why offline single player games are risky.
I’m an adult who doesn’t have time or friends anymore…
It’s not because they aren’t fun, I just can’t dedicate time or play them the way they were designed to be played
I’d like multiplayer a lot more if they still made games with user-driven match making, instead of opaque algorithms hellbent on ensuring that everyone maintains a perfect 50/50 win rate. That and the death of custom game modes/lobbies have really killed all the fun of online multiplayer.
As much as that may be true for you, on average people enjoy MP games with SBMM more than without by a decent margin. Studies have shown that people play more matches and play longer sessions when SBMM creates more balanced matches.
Are you sure that that is not just the people who are left since all the others left the game?
It’s based on overall usage metrics - number of active users, number of matches played per user, length of a session per user, etc.
It does account for people quitting.
personally not for me once i start getting destroyed by people leagues above my skill level i just stop playing
there’s rarely ever games that are even, i either cream the opposing noobs or get creamed by the opposing pros. no in between
You absolutely certain about that reasoning? Because from what I’ve seen, when automated matchmaking is used, you NEED to play the game like a job just to reach your “correct” ranking and actually enjoy the game. People who don’t play it like that are driven away because of it.
If you’re curious about the mechanics behind ELO and ELO confidence distributions after X matches, chess ELO is actually a well studied way to learn about the algorithm used by almost all SBMM. After a shockingly small number of matches, your ELO is going to end up being in the right neighborhood for you have +/- 50% WR.
Yes, I am.
This is just one study I could find quickly but the results are consistent.
Because from what I’ve seen, when automated matchmaking is used, you NEED to play the game like a job just to reach your “correct” ranking and actually enjoy the game.
This is not accurate. Most people’s ELOs don’t shift much after settling into your “natural” rank, which should happen after about 50 matches or so. Probably what you’re referring to is the publicly available “rank” which is per “season”, wherein every few months your rank gets reset. This is FAR less opaque than SBMM but results in lower playtime and lower retention for casual players who don’t want to be grinding the 50 matches to settle at their ELO every 3 months.
Actual opaque SBMM (the algorithm you mentioned originally) that never resets creates, on average, much more fun MP experiences for most people.
It should take about 20 matches or less to give you a decent rating, what games have you played that took longer?
Multiplayer is only enjoyable when I play with my homies.
And since I have young kids, I don’t play with my homies much anymore. So single player and couch coop (with kids) it is.
What about the folks that like playing multiplayer games solo? I enjoy the busyness/fullness of people running around the world and having small interactions, while getting into groups only when really necessary for content or items.
deleted by creator
This is it for me. I like that a multiplayer world is something dynamic I’m a part of even when I’m not interacting with it directly.
Never enjoyed multiplayer or coop stuff. Subjective but I don’t get it. I’m not competitive and don’t care about ‘git gud’ just for the sake of it, or bragging rights, or something.
A good campaign is what I want. Major bonus points for a campaign that is so good its got multiple run replay value.
Army of Two, Halo, Gears of War, Borderlands. Great coop games tho
Its just not sustainable for my adult life to log in to whatever live service trash daily and compete agains faceless humans, who have more free time and advantage against a casual player.
Also the state of live service games is pure trash for decades now. Everything needs to be a copy of the 3 most popular titles with some kind of rpg progression and cosmetic items for real world money.
Not only that, but the competative multiplayer scene is dominated by games appealing to professional game teams with high skill ceilings. Excuse me game devs; I have 1hr and 12min to play and I’d rather goof around than try to learn map layouts.
I’ve been wondering recently if a daily time cap per player could improve QoL for everyone. Maybe segregate servers based on set caps.
Maybe even have it so you can save up daily allotments so, say you’re a weekend gamer, you can play on an hour cap server and get like 7 hours in every weekend.
I’m betting the majority of us older gamers enjoy coop games with friends more than anything.
Omg yes!!! My husband and I just want to play a long form rpg game together. No shooting, just wandering around together. Man I wish Skyrim had a console coop mode. Sigh.
The best times were hanging out with your friends playing games together. Now if I want to do that I’ve got to have a whole nother setup. Wtf.
Console coop is tough, if you ever get into PC gaming. There is a lot more coop games available, even Skyrim has a coop mod, which works pretty well now.
Really? Need to look into that
The same team(dev) is also building fallout together for fallout 4
Agreed. Single player games have to be exceptionally good for me to want to play them. Besides that, it’s coop only for me.
Player preference only factors into the development decision in so much as it affects profitability. Meaning that even if more people prefer single player, they will still make a multiplayer game if they feel they can charge more, and earn more money from it.
Then WoW is released and everyone and your mother is a gamer now.
Couch co-op was great during gen 5/6 but after that I stopped playing multiplayer.