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Computer science terms that sound like fantasy RPG abilities
I’ll start:
- Firewall
- Virtual Memory
- Single source of truth
- Lossless Compression (this one sounds really powerful for some reason)
Your turn
Hard mode: Try not to include closer to domain-specific things like javascript library names
Dependency injection
deleted by creator
Wizards don’t know what that is, so it seems magical to them
i cast insulin
- Hypervisor
- time daemon
- privilege escalation
Y’all might be interested in the book series by Charles Stross starting with The Atrocity Archives.
Nice thanks
Terminal escape
Privilege escalation
Command injection
Bluetooth sounds like a negative effect. Similar to using Bluetooth in real life.
Halt and Catch Fire
This does not have enough up votes.
Zero Trust: curse. You become suspicious of your allies.
Memory Leak
That one would also be a good name for an EDM group
Agile Method
Daemon Process
Clone always struck me as something that shouldn’t be a spell but is.
Authentication tokens - Some heirloom jewelry or letter of permission from the local royal family used to prove you are on their mission.
Gap analysis - when your party finds a crevasse or pit and determines if they can jump across.
Buffer - party member who casts buffs, usually a bard.
Microservices - when you barter with gnomes to repair your gear.
i engaged in some gap analysis with your mom last night, sadly my microservices lead to an ultimately unsatisfying evening…
The orc becomes a pile of gelatin, quivering, you now must choose what it will become.
Roll for…
… seduction
You roll a 1.
This causes an unauthorized access exception and a giant bouncer rapidly approaches, screaming in fury.
I love your username
Encapsulation kinda sounds like it could be a spell too. That’s 2/3 pillars of OOP.
The last one was atomization, right? Gets a bit out of fantasy, but can definitely sound magical
Asynchronous Threads
Port Forward (this one just sounds like a dope place)
Remote Host
Domain Controller
Immutable Type
World wide web would be an OP spell
A crack forms below you… and suddenly a tunnel collapses inward beneath your feet.
After a short while your fall is arrested. You are now snagged in a web, in the dim light lit from where you fell you can see this web goes on, all around you, seemingly forever.