• atlas
    21 day ago

    “citizens on their best behavior” “big brother is always watching”

    Don’t sound very different to me

  • “People behave themselves in a panopticon”-rich people

    Firstly no, people don’t. Second, they go crazy in one. And third, this basically breaks down the threads of both community and individualism to create a miserable nightmare

  • @pyre@lemmy.world
    202 days ago

    billionaires who talk like this should immediately be committed. he’s clearly far gone, just fucking take him away.

  • Wait, isn’t this the father of Megan Ellison, the owner of Annapurna Interactive? The woman who just made her entire team so mad they quit.

  • kingthrillgore
    142 days ago

    “[Stupid rich person shit]”

    –Larry Ellison, soon to be major shareholder of Paramount

  • @Snapz@lemmy.world
    112 days ago

    “We’re going to have supervision,” Ellison said. “Every police officer is going to be supervised at all times, and if there’s a problem, AI will report that problem and report it to the appropriate person. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.”

    And if we entertained the idea that this was true and the core focus of this idea (it’s not) what do we think the chances are that the “appropriate person” will be one of two things:

    1. Another cop

    2. A subscription service digital surveillance company with that cop as a client that they report back to for “internal investigation”, as long as the bill is paid.

    • @CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml
      62 days ago

      Even if his vision for the future worked perfectly (which it won’t) and wasn’t abused (which it will be, rampantly and immediately), it’s still a complete dystopian nightmare lol

  • @Snapz@lemmy.world
    72 days ago

    Emboldened oligarch in a plutocracy.

    But also kleptocracy and really a kakistocracy disguised outwardly as an aristocracy or neo-monarchy as Raskin said.

    Outside of just saying “America” or “Capitalism” How do we combine all of this into one satisfying, effective term?

  • @pigup@lemmy.world
    01 day ago

    I say a single bullet at the right place and time can ensure ‘this stupid motherfucker never has anything else to say ever’ | Business Insider India