I’m visiting extended family for the first time in a long time, and one of my nieces has reached the impressionable age where she keeps mimicking things that she sees me do. what’s a really funny but fairly harmless thing I should teach her to do?
If she’s the right age, Teach her The Game. It’s a brain virus game.
Rule number 1 of The Game, you can not think about The Game. When you think about The Game you lose.
Rule number 2, when you think of The Game you have to say that you’ve lost The Game. Ideally loudly and publicly.
Rule number 3, after losing the game you get 30 minutes grace period to stop thinking about it before The Game starts again.
Rule number 4, once you have learned about the game you may either play the game or cheat.
You beat me to it.
Start em young.
Also I lost the game.
Dangit. It’s been years. You flipping flipper.
It’s been a while. But now I lost the game again…
Do something that will confuse her parents a ton. Like tell her that every time she wants something, she has to touch her nose three times then say the thing. Demonstrate it a lot to drill it in.
taps nose three times… COOKIES
That it’s pronounced heliclopter and not helicopter.
I taught my niece to say “I can’t work like this!”. That was fun!
The drums.
Or a less chaotic-evil suggestion, that water-drop sound made by flicking your cheek.
I think the water drop sound with your mouth is more chaotic evil than drums.
How to tie her shoes the instant/quick way. She’ll be the coolest kid to all her peers and even amaze other parents who witness it…
(I have no affiliation with that channel it was just the first thing that came up when I searched)
- Beatboxing. “Boots and cats and boots and cats”-style.
- The pulling your thumb off trick.
- The Macarena.
- “The Game”. (“You just lost The Game.”)
- Chopsticks on the piano/keyboard/toy xylophone/etc.
- “The Name Game.”
We got my niece to speak a little Klingon.
My niece and nephew loved the “this guy” gag. What’s got two thumbs and thinks you’re the coolest? THIS GUY! and point to yourself with your thumbs.
Nah here it’s Good guy/Wank
Teach her that, it’s an important life lesson
Arm pit farts
Alternatively - hand farts for the times it’s too hot to want to stick a hand in your armpit lol
Being too hot just makes a better bravado.
I taught my 18 month year old niece the sound a dinosaur makes. ROOOOOOOAAAR
I have had pretty good luck with doing
High five Up high Down low Too slow
My nephew would just let me do it forever, always trying to beat me on the too slow bit.
Flicking your cheek just right to make the water drop noise
OP, do this one
This is evil
(not exactly the same noise but can be used to the same effect)
Or making the mouth pop effect with your thumb
It’d be hilarious if you taught her how to code Fortran.
You sick bastard! Have her do a print loop in BASIC.
He said harmless
Hey this might make her millions in the future
I don’t think his niece is named Fortran, tho