What’s your favourite to use? Mine is Fish due to its ease of use and user friendly approach.
Bash is the pepperoni of shell tools being reliable in every field no matter what but I’ve moved to Fish as I wanted to try something different.
So what’s your shell of choice?
Zsh works for me
Plus oh-my-zsh and the powerline 10k theme - this is my go-to shell.
I know I’m a heretic but I’m a huge powershell fan. Once you work with an object-oriented shell you’ll wonder why you’ve dealt with parsing text for so long. Works great on Linux, MacOS and Windows, it’s open source, reads and writes csv, json and xml natively, native web and rest service support, built-in support for remote computing and parallel processing and extensive libraries for just about anything you can think of. It takes a little getting used to but it’s worth it.
Even on Windows I try to avoid Powershell. I use bash through GitBash there, too. But, I don’t mind using Powershell for work, because some workflows are already implemented in ps1-scripts.
I use powershell by default on windows and I prefer it for scripting any day of the week vs. shell scripts. It’s not the fastest but you can always plug in .net to your scripts to dramatically improve performance. Sure, I could write the script in rust or whatever to make it even faster, but that’s way more work than I need for the lifespan of the script.
bash is so ubiquitous that I never considered anything else.
Don’t try zsh, because you won’t be able to go back to bash after that 😉
The PEPPPERONI of tools!? that’s not a thing right? why pepperoni??
Because pepperoni rocks
Bash or ZSH. Whatever is default.
nushell is excellent for dealing with structured data. it’s also great as a scripting language.
Fish, less config and super easy to set things like path, colors, and the support for dev environments and tooling is better than it was. Used to be a Zsh user, but moved since I distro hop so dang much. Less time to get going.
I’m here for the colors :3 teehee
My job is working with a ton of servers over ssh. Bash is the most convenient balance between features and not needing to do any setup.
Bash is fine. Zsh on Macs is fine too. I can’t stress how useful it is to learn busybox if you end up with a shell on an embedded device.
All these crazy shells people talk about are kinda like race car controls. I’m not driving a race car, I’m driving a box truck with three on the tree.
Your website’s theme is very pleasant to look at and also serves good for a blog since everything is easy to read. Good job, if you were the one who made it
Thank you very much for your feedback. I’ve spent quite some time trying to create a minimalist and efficient theme. Very glad to hear that I met this goal.
You and me both.
Definitely fish. It does everything i need out of the box. To achieve the same with zsh, i needed a dozen plugins on top of a plugin manager. Here, in satisfied with just Starship as custom prompt.
That said, i’ve been trying nushell recently. Don’t really think it’s for me, but it is pretty interesting
I really like fish because it has excellent contextual autocomplete based on the folder you’re in. I haven’t used any other shell that was as good at it.
Zsh + oh-my-zsh
Not because it’s the best or even my favourite. Just because I create so many ephemeral VMs and containers that code switching isn’t worth it for me.