Obligatory tangential remark
I’m phobic of bees, and things that are similar. So, wasps, hornets, a car painted in black and yellow stripes, etc.
I’ve mostly overcome the phobia, at least enough to control how I react to the panic.
But bumblebees? They don’t trigger it. Never have. No idea why. Since carpenter bees look (close enough to) the same, they don’t either.
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the beauty of bees. I love the little buggers as long as they can’t touch me lol. But there’s this anus-puckering response to seeing or hearing them, no matter how well I control it now.
But not those bumblers. I can sit and watch them do their thing with smile on my face.
Bumblebees fly in a very non-threatening pattern (slow and predictable). Wasps fly like they could suddenly decide to fuck you up at any moment, which is why I’m reluctant to approach them.
But I’m not afraid of regular bees so this may not be what triggers your fear. Also bumblebees are just straight up adorableOh yeah, the buzzy, dive bombing bastards don’t help lol.
With the regular bees, it isn’t so much when they’re out doing their thing alone that really sets it off, it’s when there’s a bunch of them in one place. They can just be going about their business, but you can’t keep track of multiple honeybees going from place to place. Well, I can’t, and it sets off that phobic alarm heavier than just seeing one on a flower.
But I tink you’re right about the bumbles being so chill in their movements making them fly below the radar, so to speak. They just bumble along, so you’d have to either mess with them, or have a bad timing accident for them to be a problem. Hadn’t ever thought of that before :)
I’m the same. Anything that seems stingy sends me squealing but I have to problems with the chubby little bumblers. I got attacked by a hornet when I was little because I went near it’s nest without realising it. Ever since then it’s been a thing.
You’re not ready for bee Jesus. It will scare you.
Beesus converted water into mead and fed the masses.
Honestly I believe in Beesus
Found a hole filled with tiby credenzas. Now I know what kind of bee I’m dealing with.
I’ve seen a bumblebee one time. Every other time it’s been a carpenter bee.
How many carpenter bees even have a youtube channel. I bet not even one has uploaded a video covering alternatives to the Festool Domino.
They sell carpender bee traps at the local feed store. It always makes me sad to see them. Leave the carpender bees alone! They don’t need to be killed just because you think they are a pest.
I don’t kill them, but they have damn near made Swiss cheese out of the crossbeam supporting my kids swingset.
Carpenter bees aren’t a pest they’re a legitimate danger to life. Not directly like murder hornets are, but indirectly, because they destroy load bearing infrastructure.
Appreciate the PPE on the little guy. Safety first!