So what do you call a wetland that has a neutral pH and mixed vegitation?
Just from what I found, swamps are wetlands with woody vegetation being what DOMINATLY inhibits it. So if it’s mixed, find out what there is more of. If it’s 50/50, I guess the universe collapses.
And a wetland with a neutral ph is just called a neutral wetland.
Everything is a wetland.
I’ve never heard of a Fen before
You are not reading enough fantasy books, then.
That’s because the old Something Awful forums ruined fantasy books back for me in the early 2000’s when the big series was ASOIAF. Going from GRRM to Sanderson, Hobbs, Abercrombie etc… just doesn’t hit the same. It’s like going from crack to whippets.
… not wrong.
Martin is crap compared to Sanderson
We can go settle this in the parking lot
Nah let’s have a space dogfight about it. I’ll pilot one of Sanderson’s many awesome spaceships, and you pilot something Martin wrote.
That’s cuz ya basic like one :)
By that definition could you have a swamp bog, a swamp fen, a marsh bog, and a marsh fen?
Wildlife biologist here, Absolutely.
Oddly enough I usually see/write it fen/bog marsh. There are tons of other qualifiers too, like salt marsh, tidal marsh and such.
The same applies for all 4 examples if it’s needed. Salt swamps and fresh water swamps and such.
I’ll have a tidal salt fen marsh, with extra tide.
I find this definition a lot more compelling than the one in the meme.
In other words it’s more to do with geology and how the wetland has formed from groundwater vs water flow, than it is to do with characteristics like ph and trees - those things sort of proceed from the basic structure.
Usually what happens is whoever needs to know has their own specific way of determining the thing.
As a wildlife biologist, the meme description is pretty good and would suffice for just about anything I need. The present or recent past circumstances are the most important to my work.
If I were interested in the geology, or say ground water, earth studiesor, or even the more distant past then this definition you share becomes more useful.
There are going to be even more criteria that apply for different groups, and even sometimes none of these definitions we’ve seen would matter because you only care if it sustains a specific species or something even less obvious.
Oddly enough I usually see/write it fen/bog marsh.
I was going to ask about the order of adjectives, actually, since I find esoteric grammar rules oddly interesting and have been on a bit of a “adjectives hierarchy” kick lately.
That’s mind bog-gling
I just think it’s fenny
I never knew the fen/bog part! The only reason I knew swamps from marshes is from labeling them in OpenStreetMap
Help, I’m stuck in a wetland, but I didn’t bring my litmus test!
Sorry, I’m looking for you in the bog but you’re not there
I forgot already before I started writing this comment
How am I supposed to estimate the pH value of a given wetland area without specialised equipment?
- Take a sip. Did you trip balls? Acid.
- Take a red wire, black wire, and a clock. Can you power the clock? Alkaline.
deleted by creator
What, you don’t carry pH test strips around as a matter of routine? /s
Learn botany. You can tell the approximate pH from the species of plants growing there.
Neat! Didn’t know that.
Determine whether it’s a swamp or a marsh.
Tell someone else you did your part, now it’s their turn.
Maybe you can find some red cabbage growing nearby?
Lick it. Just a little bit. Just a little snaky lick…
Huh, TIL
Further evidence that the Marshbadge and the Soulbadge were accidentally switched.
How does this make you feel:
Pretty hecking neutral
So is the pond in my yard that I created 25 years ago, but then neglected for most of the last 10 years a swamp or a marsh?
There’s not a lot of woody crap growing in it, but there is a tree that sprouted at one end that I’ve been trying to kill.
So, it would be a swampy bog and a marshy fen, but not a boggy swamp or a fenny marsh?
i love when scientists take a swamp of arbitrary language terms and decide to impose some arbitrary specific meanings on them for purposes of their specific discipline and then convince people who don’t really get how language works (i.e. most people) that the definitions are authoritative. it’s fun to watch the cognitive dissonance when this collides with actual usage and people get all angry and righteous.
Thanks crossword puzzles!
These come up pretty often for some reason.
Especially Fen!
Epee, Oreo, era, isle, ore… Lol
Eel, ole, issa, rae, ssn… Lol