Trying to discover new/unheard Linux desktop programs (Sorry for the confusion).

Edit: I apologise for confusing a lot of people. I meant Linux desktop “programs” coming from Windows/Mac. I’m used to calling them “apps”.

Edit: 🙌 I’m overwhelmed with the great “programs” people have recommended in the comment section. Thank you guys.

    1410 months ago

    I use CoreCtrl to fix my GPU’s atrocious fan curve, which is a necessity since normally it overheats to high hell. With CoreCtrl, I have a nice fan curve that makes my GPU rarely, if ever, run hotter than 70°C.

      210 months ago

      Do you want to have 2fa keys on all your devices? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?

        10 months ago

        Do you want to have 2fa keys on all your devices?


        Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?

        I use different password between KeepassXC and Bitwarden. (On my phone one of them is unlocked by fingerprint because I am lazy but not both)

        And I don’t store KeepassXC password in Bitwarden.

          210 months ago

          While my solution isn’t perfect (if someone key logged my computer I am very screwed), I think it’s better than (1) have a much higher chance of losing my 2FA tokens altogether (2) put all hope on Bitwarden being not compromised

      • Everyone needs to make their own choices about this but IMO it’s fine.

        Pretty much everyone saves recovery codes in their password manager anyway, which is the same thing.

    1510 months ago

    Analogous to the Krita post, I am surprised nobody seems to know KolourPaint. It’s similar to MS paint. I use it, when I need to make a quick sketch, whiteboard style, e.g. when sharing my screen with a coworker.

    Otherwise, I really must have Dolphin and Okular.

    I love dolphin’s split mode (quickly toggled with F3) and its ability to seamlessly navigate all kinds of protocols for my NAS, webdav for nextcloud storage, MTP for the phone…

    Okular has annotations which have been super useful to me. And it’s so easy to switch between viewing single page, two-page and multi-page. Which is great for skimming text documents and presentations. The auto reload ability is great when iterating on a document (e.g. latex doc or matplotlib chart).

    Otherwise, of course firefox and thunderbird, not much to say here Please don’t use chrome. It’s market share makes Google the de-facto owner of www technology. But I guess I’d be preaching to the choir here.

  • Ramin Honary
    10 months ago


    Emacs is an app platform in and of itself, and the vanilla installation comes with dozens of its own apps pre-installed. Like how web apps are all programmed in JavaScript, Emacs apps are all programmed in Lisp. All Emacs apps are scriptable and composable in Lisp. Unlike on the web, Emacs encourages you to script your apps to automate things yourself.

    Emacs apps are all text based, so they all work equally well in both the GUI and the terminal.

    Emacs comes with the following apps pre-installed:

    • a text editor for both prose and computer code
    • note taking and organizer called Org-mode (sort of like Obsidian, or Logseq)
    • a file browser and batch file renamer called Dired
    • a CLI console and terminal emulator
    • a terminal multiplexer (sort-of like “Tmux”)
    • a process manager (sort-of like “Htop”)
    • a simple HTML-only web browser
    • man-page and info page browser
    • a wrapper around the Grep and Find CLI tools
    • a wrapper around SSH called “Tramp”
    • e-mail client
    • IRC client
    • revion control system, including a Git porcelain called “Magit”
    • a “diff” tool
    • ASCII art drawing program
    • keystroke recorder and playback

    Some apps that I install into Emacs include:

    • “Mastodon.el” Mastodon client
    • “Elfeed” RSS feed reader
    • “consult” app launcher (sort-of like “Dmenu”)
      510 months ago

      Was gonna recommend Emacs, myself, but looks like you got it covered! Emacs is an amazing tool and is worth the journey

    • Papamousse
      510 months ago

      It comes also with a doctor, you can invoke it with “M-x doctor”. I discovered Emacs in the 80s, used it a lot in uni in the 90s, Emacs is a religion, or an OS, it’s so powerful it’s incredible. Nowadays I’m mostly using code for coding, or simply nano for small scripts/text.

      • Ramin Honary
        10 months ago

        Emacs is a religion, or an OS

        Philosophy is a subset of religion, and there is a definitely an Emacs philosophy about making absolutely all software hackable, and controlling the computer using text.

        App platforms are a subset of operating systems. People confuse the two because most app platforms are inseparable from the operating system on which they run. But some software, like the Web, or Java, or to some extent .NET/Mono, are app platforms that run the same apps across multiple operating systems. Emacs is an app platform.

        210 months ago

        Doctor, Doctor, my brother thinks he’s a chicken!

        Too much fun! Like many other Comp. Sci. students, I spent way too many hours trying to get Eliza, an automated psychiatrist from MIT, to say something shocking. Weizenbaum, the developer, “was surprised and shocked that individuals, including his secretary, attributed human-like feelings to the computer program.” In this sense AI is nothing new because Eliza passed the Turing Test in 1967.

        • Papamousse
          110 months ago

          80s/90s was the good old time, no web, only irc, gopher, usenet, things like this

      210 months ago

      How do you think one should get started with Emacs? Should they start start with regular GNU Emacs or should they install one of the “distros”?

        410 months ago

        Honestly, just download/install from your package manager and then start using it. One of the best built-in modes is called Org mode. Don’t try anything crazy because it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It took me some periods of stopping and starting before things felt natural and became my daily driver.

      • Ramin Honary
        210 months ago

        How do you think one should get started with Emacs? Should they start start with regular GNU Emacs or should they install one of the “distros”?

        I always recommend using the default setup for any software. The same goes for learning GIMP, Krita, Blender, FreeCAD, or whatever else, even though you can customize them all to your liking.

        It is usually a good idea to try and learn the workflow that was intended by the people who developed this software, you could learn something from trying to use the computer in the same way that the professionals do. Same for Emacs: professional software developers have used it for almost 50 years, the default keyboard shortcuts are set the way they are partially for random historical reasons, but partially because they often make a lot of sense.

        If you are interested, please check out my blog series on getting started with Emacs, called Emacs for Professionals

  • JackGreenEarth
    3110 months ago

    I don’t know about you specifically, but I’m surprised how many people haven’t heard of Krita, a FOSS image editing app with an optional AI Image Generation plugin.

      • JackGreenEarth
        1010 months ago

        It uses Stable Diffusion, yes (specifically comfy UI for the backend), but it has a much better in app UI that any stable diffusion web UI I’ve tried.

    10 months ago

    EDIT: realized this was for desktop, so removed the original list of mostly android apps. Here’s my go to desktop apps:

    Lollypop - music player
    Invoiceninja - open source invoicing service
    Meld - file/folder comparison
    Librewolf - hardened Firefox
    Joplin - notes
    QEMU/Virt-Manager - virtualization for that one windows app you still need
    KeepassXC - password management
    Element-desktop - Matrix client
    Gparted - no fuss partition management
    Lutris - game launcher that works with epic games (among many others)
    PDFarranger - best PDF management I’ve found on Linux Soundconverter - easy to use file converter
    Restic - backups
    Fdupes - duplicate file finder
    Freetube - privacy respecting YouTube client
    Paperless-ngx - very well built electronic document storage. Must be run as a server.

        • Xy_Lemmy
          210 months ago

          Hahaha if Aegis was available on Linux I’d switch to it instantly.

                110 months ago

                I’m on KDE 🥲 That Gnome app has been almost enough to get me to switch though. There’s a few Gnome apps that KDE doesn’t have a comparable parallel to.

              110 months ago

              If you’re already using keepassxc, you can import OTP codes and use that. That’s what I do when my phone is not around to use aegis. It’s not as pretty, but it works.

                110 months ago

                I have a few codes duplicated in my keepass vault for the services I log in to often on desktop. The autotype is super nice in those cases. Other than that I do generally prefer having a separation between password manager and 2fa data though. Probably only a theoretical safeguard in my case, but simple enough to keep in place for the time being.

            • dalë
              10 months ago

              You could try open source mobile application with browser extensions and cloud sync for backups.

              Or password manager is also open source and for a small “premium” supports 2FA for mobile/desktop/browser.

                110 months ago

                I haven’t heard of 2fas before, they seem pretty interesting. I’m inclined to keep my password and 2fa vaults out of the cloud (thus Aegis and Keepass) so I’m interested in how the browser extension syncs data with a phone. If it uses a shared network or ephemeral data transfers that would be pretty nice.

    10 months ago

    Because you asked about “apps”, people are replying with mobile apps. I think you wanted to write “programs” considering the community. Maybe you should edit this

      110 months ago

      People started saying apps to programs on computer as well. No idea who’s fault it is. Apple’s? Only old people call it software or so.

        410 months ago

        Not exactly sure whose fault is this but if OP still wants to use the term “app”, they should at least mention it’s “desktop apps”, or just go with “programs” which is the proper term. Because even with “desktop apps” I still understand it is as web apps more likely.

          310 months ago

          Distrobox supports waydroid to use android apps on wayland. There are many small purpose built apps for android than can be useful on desktop.

          No one seems to be mentioning apps in this specific kind of context, and I don’t consider a locked down and stripped orphan kernel to be “Linux” but a lot of this stuff it FOSS and can now run on both.

    910 months ago

    A good kit IMO, in order of priority:

    • Cherrytree; nominally for making hierarchical lists but you can basically use it as a wiki for your entire life. You can theme it yourself too, if you think it looks too retro out of the box.
    • Syncthing, for keeping files synced between devices without having to use a server.
    • Qbittorrent, for getting files you need. Remember to install search plugins.
    • KeepassXC. Password manager (local, not on a server, use in combination with Syncthing).
    • Convertall, for unit conversions.
    • Calibre, for managing an ebook library, converting formats, removing DRM, transferring to ereader etc.
    • Rhythmbox, for music library, podcasts, internet radio.
    • Shotwell, for photo and video library. Easy to use, supports tags (metadata written to image files).
    • GIMP, for image manipulation. It’s extremely versatile, comprehensive and versatile. 3.0 is due out soon and will include non-destructive layer effects. Heavyweight piece of software, so expect a learning curve.
    • Ardour, for music production. Heavyweight, steep learning curve.
    • Flowblade for video production. Lightweight, easy to learn.
    • Libreoffice, desktop publishing.
    • Librewolf; privacy-focussed web browser.
    • Thunderbird; highly organisable email client.
    • Freetube, for watching youtube videos without all the ads and tracking. Local subscriptions and playlists, which you can export to use with Newpipe on Android. Also lets you download video and audio.

    If you like the terminal also add:

    • ranger; file manager
    • newsboat; RSS feed reader
    • yt-dl; download videos from youtube and many other sites ;)
    • w3m; command line web browser. I like to use this in combination with newsboat.


  • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
    810 months ago

    An web browser. 99 percent of my mobile activities are done in Firefox. I have Organic Maps for routing, a local mobile payment app and a local sharing electric sooter app.

    This is pretty much all apps I use.

      310 months ago

      I think that the question is primarily about Desktop Apps, since this is the Linux community.

      • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
        110 months ago

        Mmmh. To me apps are the things installed on a smartphone. The things I install on a computer I call programs.

        But the same applies there for me, too. I basically do everything in the browser.

          110 months ago

          I understand your point. “Program” is a more wider term. Javascript executed in your browser could be a program too. App is just a short term for a standalone program with a GUI, IMO.

          It’s just how languages change with time. For example what we simply call “libs” today used to be called by their full name “program libraries”. You don’t often see someone calling them like that anymore. I feel that communication nowadays requires us to constantly check the context in order to avoid misunderstandings. It’s maybe a reason why I don’t write that much online anymore.

    10 months ago

    There’s no doubt there are a great variety of Linux packages in use.

    Recently I did a CD install of Debian 12 (Bookworm) desktop with Gnome, which loads a bunch of stuff over the Net. Here are extra packages that I installed manually. The first set is used by and with an automated configuration script that I wrote, so they have to come in to begin with.

    Title Description Purpose
    info Gnu info processor “Config”
    curl Command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax “Config”
    dbus-x11 Simple interprocess messaging system (X11 deps) “Config”
    emacs Editor “Config”
    gconf2 GNOME configuration database system (support tools) “Config”
    mc Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager “Config”
    python3-iniparse Access and modify configuration data in INI files “Config”
    python-lxml-doc Python XML documentation “Config”
    python3-lxml Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries “Config”
    sakura Simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator “Config”
    Title Description Purpose
    “apcupsd” “APC UPS Power Management” “Monitor”
    “artha” “Handy off-line thesaurus based on WordNet” “Utils”
    “backintime” “Simple backup/snapshot system” “Utils”
    “brasero” “CD/DVD burning application for GNOME” “Utils”
    “bwm-ng” “Small and simple console-based bandwidth monitor” “Monitor”
    “ccze” “Robust, modular log coloriser” “Utils”
    “certbot” "Automatically configure HTTPS using Let’s Encrypt " “Utils”
    “claws-mail-dillo-viewer” “HTML viewer plugin for Claws Mail using Dillo” “Mail”
    “claws-mail-feeds-reader” “Feeds (RSS/atom) reader plugin for claws mail” “Mail”
    “claws-mail-plugins” “Claws mail” “Mail”
    “claws-mail-spam-report” “Spam reporting plugin for claws mail” “Mail”
    “cmake” “Cross-platform, open-source make system” “Retroshare”
    “conky-all” “Highly configurable system monitor” “Monitor”
    “copyq” “Advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features” “Utils”
    “cups” "Common UNIX Printing System™ - PPD/driver support, web interface " “Utils”
    “dcraw” “Decode raw digital camera images” “Photo”
    “devilspie” “Automatically resize windows” “Utils”
    “dict” “Dictionary client/server and a selection of dictionaries, too” “Utils”
    “dictd” “Dictionary server” “Utils”
    “diction” “Utilities to help with style and diction” “Utils”
    “exiv2” “EXIF/IPTC photo metadata manipulation tool” “Photo”
    “festival” “General multi-lingual speech synthesis system” “Utils”
    “ftp” “Classical file transfer client” “Utils”
    “gedit” “Popular text editor for the GNOME desktop environment” “Editor”
    “gimp” “GNU Image Manipulation Program” “Photo”
    “git” “Fast, scalable, distributed revision control system” “Utils”
    “gnome-audio” “Audio files for GNOME” “Utils”
    “gnome-extra-icons” “Optional gnome icons” “Utils”
    “gnucash” “Personal bookkeeping and finance” “App”
    “golang” “Go programming language compiler” “yamn”
    “hplip” “HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP)” “Utils”
    “hplip-gui” “HP Linux Printing and Imaging - GUI utilities (Qt-based)” “Utils”
    “hugin” “Panorama photo stitching program” “Photo”
    “imagemagick” “Image manipulation programs” “Photo”
    “libbz2-dev” “High-quality block-sorting file compressor library” “Retroshare”
    “libcurl4-openssl-dev” “Development files and documentation for libcurl (OpenSSL flavour)” “Retroshare”
    “libglib2.0-dev” “Development files for the GLib library” “Retroshare”
    “libjpeg-turbo-progs” “Programs for manipulating JPEG files including loss-less rotation” “Photo”
    “libmicrohttpd-dev” “Library embedding HTTP server functionality” “Retroshare”
    “libopencv-dev” “computer vision core library” “Retroshare”
    “libqt5opengl5-dev” “Qt 5 OpenGL library development files” “Retroshare”
    “libqt5multimedia5” “Qt 5 Multimedia module” “Retroshare”
    “libqt5network5” “Qt 5 network module” “Retroshare”
    “libqt5x11extras5-dev” “Qt 5 X11 extras” “Retroshare”
    “libreoffice-base” “Database component for LibreOffice” “Utils”
    “librsvg2-bin” “Command-line and graphical viewers for SVG files” “Photo”
    “libsqlcipher-dev” “Sqlcipher shared library” “Retroshare”
    “libssl-dev” “Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development files” “Retroshare”
    “libspeex-dev” “The Speex codec library” “Retroshare”
    “libspeexdsp-dev” “The Speex extended library” “Retroshare”
    “libupnp-dev” “Portable SDK for UPnP devices” “Retroshare”
    “libxslt1-dev” “XSLT 1.0 processing library” “Retroshare”
    “libxss-dev” “X11 Screen Saver extension library (development headers)” “Retroshare”
    “lm-sensors” “Utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors” “Monitor”
    “mosquitto” “MQTT version 5.0/3.1.1/3.1 compatible message broker” “Home Automation”
    “mosquitto-clients” “Mosquitto command line MQTT clients” “Home Automation”
    “net-tools” “NET-3 networking toolkit” “Utils”
    “numlockx” “Enable numlock in X11 sessions” “Unknown”
    “openhab-addons” “OpenHAB Home Automation” “Home Automation”
    “otpclient” “Simple GTK+ software to generate OTPs (TOTP and HOTP)” “Utils”
    “pandoc” “General markup converter” “Utils”
    “pcmanfm” “Extremely fast and lightweight file manager” “Utils”
    “python-is-python3” “Symlinks /usr/bin/python to python3” “Devel”
    “python3-babel” “Tools for internationalizing Python applications - Python 3.x” “Devel”
    “python3-calmjs” “Node.js Python framework for building toolchains and utilities” “Devel”
    “python3-cheetah” “Text-based template engine and Python code generator (Python 3)” “WeeWX”
    “python3-configobj” “Simple but powerful config file reader and writer for Python 3” “WeeWX”
    “python3-dateparser” “Python parser for human readable dates” “Devel”
    “python3-doc” “Python documentation” “Devel”
    “python3-ephem” “Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python 3” “WeeWX”
    “python3-nltk” “Natural language processing” “Utils”
    “python3-pycryptodome” “Cryptographic Python library” “eoas”
    “python3-pyqt5” “Python 3 bindings for Qt5” “Devel”
    “python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia” “Python 3 bindings for Qt5’s Multimedia module” “Devel”
    “python3-serial” "pyserial - module encapsulating access for the serial port " “WeeWX”
    “python3-setuptools” “Python distutils enhancements (setuptools compatibility)” “Devel”
    “python3-tz” “The Olson timezone database” “Utils”
    “python3-usb” “USB interface for Python (Python3)” “WeeWX”
    “python3-venv” “Venv module for python3” “WeeWX”
    “python3-vobject” “Parse iCalendar and VCards in python” “Android”
    “python3-xdg” standards” “Tonto2”
    “qgit” “Qt application for viewing GIT trees” “Utils”
    “qrencode” “QR code encoder into PNG image” “Photo”
    “qtcreator” “Integrated development environment (IDE) for Qt” “Retroshare”
    “qtmultimedia5-dev” “APIs for multimedia functionality” “RetroShare”
    “qtox” “Tox client” “Retroshare”
    “qttools5-dev” “Qt 5 tools development files” “Retroshare”
    “rapidjson-dev” “Fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with SAX/DOM style API” “Retroshare”
    “rblcheck” “Query real-time black list (RBL) servers” “Mail”
    “retroshare-gui” “Secure communication with friends” “Retroshare”
    “rsync” “Fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool” “Utils”
    “sane” “Scanner graphical frontends” “Photo”
    “sqlite3” “Command line interface for SQLite 3” “Firefox Devel”
    “sqlitebrowser” “GUI editor for sqlite databases” “Unknown”
    “ssh” “Secure shell client and server (metapackage)” “Utils”
    “tcl8.6-dev” “Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.6” “Retroshare”
    “tesseract-ocr” “Command line OCR tool” “Unknown”
    “timeshift” “System restore utility” “Utils”
    “torsocks” “Use socks-friendly applications with Tor” “QTox”
    “trash-cli” trash implementation” “Utils”
    “tree” “Displays an indented directory tree, in color” “Utils”
    “ttf-bitstream-vera” “Bitstream Vera family of free Truetype fonts” “Utils”
    “whois” “Intelligent WHOIS client” “”
    “xsane” “Graphical frontend for Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE)” “Photo”
    “zbar-tools” “Bar Code Scanner and Decoder” “Photo”
    “zip” “Archiver for .zip files” “Utils”

    Here are third-party packages I admire. These are not available in Debian repositories although some provide Debian-compatible repositories of their own.

    Tor Browser Bundle: Anonymizing Network Browser

    This is available from as a tarball. This should be unpacked and the whole tor-browser_en-US directory moved to the ~user folder. This is so that the browser can auto-update at user authority as the need arises.

    RetroShare: Secure Communications with Friends

    This has its own Debian-compatible repository.

    metar: A Package to Parse METAR Coded Weather Reports

    pip install metar --upgrade

    weeWX: Open source software for backyard weather stations.

    From Although a Debian package exists, doing any development practically requires that all the code be in user-space, so don’t install the package. Download it instead.

    OpenHAB: Home Automation

    This has its own Debian-compatible repository.

    Ant: GTK3/4 Themes by eliverlara


    This is for claws-mail. It provides better contrast.

  • AbsentBird
    110 months ago

    Haven’t seen anyone mention Alacritty yet, that’s my favorite terminal emulator.