The Princess Bride
If you have seen it. You are happy to watch again. If you haven’t, you will love it.
Raiders of The Lost Ark.
It’s a timelessly classic action/adventure movie that anyone can enjoy. It has memorable characters, great set pieces, an interesting story, an incredible score, and Harrison Ford.
I’m surprised I scrolled a decent way through the list and hadn’t seen it posted yet.
Back To the Future
Watched recently with my 8 year old and while it’s certainly still a justifiable classic, there’s still some things that are pretty problematic in this movie that made it a challenging watch with a kid…
Like incest, sexual assault, voyeurism, terrorism, and time paradoxes?
Nope. Leaded gas
And machine-gunning the Doc.
Right BTTF is well known for glorifying all of these things
Still have to explain them.
Papa, what’s “making out”? Eww, kissing.
Just made plans to go to a drive in theatre near me to watch all 3 movies
LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring (Directors Cut)
should be good in filtering out some of the people I wouldn’t want to interact with anyway
Super Troopers.
“You boys like MEXICO?!?!?!”I’ll be damned, nobody mentioned Lord of the Rings.
I came here to say LotR. Whoever doesn’t vibe with LotR doesn’t have a place in my house.
Princess bride
I can’t believe how far down this is.
Jokes on you. Right now it’s the number one and number 3 spot on the list.
Almost as if the list changes…
Haven’t met anyone yet who hasn’t loved that film.
That’s the one with the aliens with the circular writing characters right?
edit: Oops nevermind, it’s the dandruff shampoo commercial. Despite that its a decent movie, I agree.
I think we’ve established that “ca-caw ca-caw” and “tookie tookie” don’t work.
Sean William Scott is probably the best part of that movie.
Honestly, probably the best part of any movie he’s in. Role Models was great, and Goon is amazing.
deleted by creator
Monty Python’s Life of Brian.
Whoever doesn’t like it can leave.I prefer the holy grail but life of Brian is also a top movie
My personal favorite is The Meaning Of Life. Not sure where that puts me.
Shawshank Redemption, for sure. It’s not just a masterpiece, it’s a masterpiece that has incredibly broad appeal compared to most other great movies.
That’s probably the reason why it has been the top rated movie on IMDb for decades even as trends, opinions, and tastes have changed dramatically over the years.
It isn’t obvious but it’s pretty damn violent in some scenes. I didn’t realize until I tried this on my friend who couldn’t handle it.
I hate that movie with undying loathing.
Hahah why?
Please tell us why? Pretty please with a cherry on top?!
Recently had a movie night where we watched Oscar. Only one person (the person that wanted to watch it) had seen it before, but it was their birthday, so we all sat down to watch. It is a fantastic comedy of errors movie with Sylvester Stallone. None of us could believe that we had never even heard of it before, because we all loved it so much, and laughed so frequently. Fantastic movie night movie. I can’t recommend it enough.
Excellent suggestion. One of my favorites.
I love finding those excellent movies that have somehow floated just below the surface of the consciousness of my sphere of community.
Kung fu hustle
Kung Pow.
I once forgot the name of this movie, but remembered the “one clean chunk” line and immediately found it again.
I’ve used this movie for movie night multiple times and people who come always love it!
I amar prestar aen.
The world is changed.
Han matho ne nen.
I feel it in the water.
Han mathon ned cae.
I feel it in the earth.
A han noston ned gwilith.
I smell it in the air.
Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
That would make for a long ass movie night
This one is more of a movie day. The best there is though!
Special extended editions or nothing.
Everyone loves ultra-violence, right?