Brought earplugs to the Slayer/Slipknot/Mastodon/MachineHead concert…
I don’t understand how people can go to music shows without ear plugs. I don’t even attend metal music, which seem to crank it up to the point of losing sound quality, just for the sake of “bad assery” I guess.
I feel bad for kids being brought to concerts without them, too.
My drivers license. Now I’m 19 and still need to do it.
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I’m going to finish school soon and I want to drive a car when I have a job and can afford it. I’ve used public transportation for the past 3 years and will probably still use it in the future when it’s not too inconvenient but a 30 min drive to work taking 1 hour instead, where I spend 30 minutes just waiting, sucks. This weekend I drove to a friend. It would have taken 30 minutes by car but it took me 2 hours with public transport because I had to wait a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes. The issue isn’t public transportation itself but that the government was trying to save as much money as possible and it is getting better with the new government but there is still so much to do and it will take time.
The sooner the better. I know people in their 30s at my work that can’t drive and just Uber to work every day. Don’t become that guy
I don’t have a driver’s license, but I have made lifestyle choices so I can walk, bike, and take transit to most of my destinations. There is the odd destination where I’ll use ride hailing, but I avoid it.
I would give anything to be able to ride my bike to work, but it’s just so dangerous where I live because of all the cars :(
Yeah, I was lucky enough to be in Portland already, so I was already in a decent position. From there, I needed to make housing choices that put me along bus lines and safe bike routes. That took some real planning and a price premium on our house. My takeaway was that I want everyone in the US to have this sort of transit/bike/pedestrian access, not just an upper middle class DINK couple (me).
Kept in touch with friends.
Got back on ADHD meds that my parents took me off as a 10yo as they didn’t like the side effects.
Study, get the certification I ended up getting eventually (that i was repeatedly recommended to do but was too perpetually exhausted to study for), and breaking into IT as a career sooner.
Not waste years 18-22 in a shitty grocery store/fast food job. To this day I can’t stand to look at a rotisserie chicken cooker.
Skipped years of college that didn’t do me any good and just moved out instead of living with my family for another 4 years.
Worry less about grades and academic performance, met my actual therapist back then so I could understand more about myself through exploration of my own self.
Hug my dad more if I knew he would be gone in a few years. Miss him everyday.
Go to a therapy
Less fucking about, more fucking
Stop trying so hard to get laid. I could have had better relationships if I’d just stopped making that my goal.
But those teenage boy hormones hit hard and that’s literally all I could think about back then.
Said no to my parents more.
Stuff that would theoretically have been possible, in no particular order:
- develop better study & time management skills so college doesn’t kick my ass nearly so badly
- walk on to the college’s cross country team. After all, it was a D3 school, they’ll take just about anyone. Would’ve been a great way to avoid putting on 60 pounds in school.
- spend more time taking advantage of the free therapy sessions in the student health center and maybe God forbid not fall as far into the pit of depression
All of this. Wish I had applied myself and found someone to tell me constant criticism for making mistakes isn’t normal.
Hit the gym brother. Instead of starting my work out journey now in my 30s.
I was fortunate enough to have had a fast metabolism through out my 20s but starting a workout habit earlier would’ve helped maintain it better.
Same, I waited till I was 27, I’m happy I’m finally there, but it woulda been nice to start 10 years earlier, woulda been a lot better for me mentally especially.
Huge mood
I’m glad you figured yourself out. I waited until I was 22 to come out of the closet and until I was in my 30s to dress how I wanted (I didn’t transition, but I do identify as non-comforming and wear clothing that isn’t standard for my gender). It’s extremely comfortable being who you are.
Get tested and subsequently treated for ADHD.
Dump the ex I was dating around that time instead of letting her take up two years of my life that I wont get back.
Pay more attention to the people that actually put effort into their friendship/relationship with me and drop the ones that didn’t.
Work out more and eat better.
Socialize as much as I could while living in the dorms.
Either join or create study groups.
Had more sex and opposed my parents making me do so much religious junk with my time.
(1) work out, (2) ditch an extremely toxic relationship without ever looking back, (3) have more fun, (4) buy aapl.