Reddit said in a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission that its users’ posts are “a valuable source of conversation data and knowledge” that has been and will continue to be an important mechanism for training AI and large language models. The filing also states that the company believes “we are in the early stages of monetizing our user base,” and proceeds to say that it will continue to sell users’ content to companies that want to train LLMs and that it will also begin “increased use of artificial intelligence in our advertising solutions.”

The long-awaited S-1 filing reveals much of what Reddit users knew and feared: That many of the changes the company has made over the last year in the leadup to an IPO are focused on exerting control over the site, sanitizing parts of the platform, and monetizing user data.

Posting here because of the privacy implications of all this, but I wonder if at some point there should be an “Enshittification” community :-)

    -17 months ago

    Looks like the enshitification of Reddit is about to accelerate. I barely use it anymore, but I kept my two ten year + old accounts intact (one for porn one for legit posts). I’ll probably nuke my non-porn account soon.

  • katy ✨
    87 months ago

    monetizing the most racist community outside of twitter what could go wrong?

    277 months ago

    They’ve finally gone full /HailCorporate, become the thing some of the original people of the site would probably not have agreed with in many ways

  • NutWrench
    347 months ago

    “Early Stages?” You’ve got AI mining your data. The Lions have already come and gone. The hyenas and other scavengers are picking over the scraps, now.

  • Daniyyel
    117 months ago

    Is this a long term source of revenue for Reddit? Or will it loose value at some point, simply because LLMs are all trained sufficiently on user generated content. Is there more to learn at some point?

    Also it seems that a lot of content on Resdit is already AI generated, so it would train on data from other LLMs, which I’m sure doesn’t improve quality.

      107 months ago

      LLM’s are a parasitic entity. They can only operate as long as they have a living host (us) on which to draw data. Without their host, they rapidly start hallucinating. Hell, the other day ChatGPT (and every business that relied on it) started hallucinating for no apparent reason.

      The thing about the parasite is, though, that it endangers its host. At some point, the fact that anything you say can be plugged into a machine with no credit given back to you, will encourage creative people to stop bothering being creative, depriving them of income or even exposure.

      It’s a funny thing, a few years ago I would say that the “anything you post here can be sold by us” clause on social media was very unlikely to get exploited, as nobody knew how to sell data en masse to make money off of it. I guess now we know that’s not true at all. If something bad can happen with your data… It will.

      7 months ago

      It’s the reason I can’t see this stock maintaining or improving its price after the IPO. I mean, sure, there will probably be a short term gain for a few stock holders. But, I just don’t see how it doesn’t tank afterwards. I mean, in the end, Reddit is Reddit. It’s just an aggregation site, how can it grow in value? The fediverse is slowly but surely gaining popularity. And even though Reddit calls itself the front page of the internet, it really isn’t.

      *Not investment advice. Good god please don’t take investment advice from me. Knowing my luck that fucking stock will soar to Wall Street record highs, beating out Bitcoin by a large margin.

      • Rentlar
        57 months ago

        It’s just an aggregation site, how can it grow in value?

        Supposedly in Reddit finance there’s something called the “Anarchy Chess/Ewan gambit”. If you post one grain of rice, and double it each time you reach a threshold you can farm near-infinite updoots! Probably works the same with money, idk.

  • The Bard in GreenA
    7 months ago

    When I go to some reddit posts on Mobile now (like from a Google search, that’s the only way I end up at reddit anymore), it tells me “this content is unmoderated” and gives me a choice to either navigate away or install the Reddit app. Fuck that noise.

      7 months ago

      Try this, in either Bing/Copilot AI or Google Gemini: Start your prompt with “According to Reddit”, then do your search like you would by using search alone.

      The AI of your choice will scrape the posts and give you a nice summary of whatever you were searching for - no need to ever touch Reddit directly.

      For me, this works better with Copilot, YMMV.

      Example: “According to Reddit, what is the best mechanical keyboard brand to use for touch typing?”

    197 months ago

    They permabanned my 14yo account because my anti-nazi rhetoric was “encouraging violence.” I guess Nazis are a class of humans dumb enough to give them money so they don’t want to scare them off. The post that got me banned had more than 60 up votes when it was deleted and I was permabanned. A reply post in the same vein was not deleted.

      7 months ago

      Remember that video where Ron Perlman talked about there’s a lot of ways to lose a house?

      I lost my 11-year account because I said something to the effect of ‘If Ron Perlman pulled up and said get in the fucking car we’re going to go burn down Bob Iger’s house I wouldn’t hesitate.’

      They had been getting very weird near the end there anyways? I kept getting these stupid warnings over the most petty shit. At one point somebody said respond to this comment and I’ll gild you. I simply responded fuck you because I thought it would be funny to see that have gold, which it got. Got an official warning for harassment.

      I had said a lot worse over the years.

      37 months ago

      To be fair, advocating violence on any platform will not get you very far even if the idea is justified, eg) nazis

        17 months ago

        I asked what Eisenhower would do if he saw the Nazi marchers in Wisconsin and had ready access to a machine gun. I don’t think that is advocating violence. I intended the comment to illustrate how far some Republicans have moved to the right since Ike was president.

        Eisenhower is dead. Advocating for his attendance at a Nazi march is nothing more than a thought experiment.

  • Uglyhead
    137 months ago

    “Pay-Per-Click”, is all this is when you break it down to its basest.

    Narwhal developers have come out and said that they have to pay beforehand for clicks to the API—- what absolute bullshit Reddit and Spez are bringing to the trough. Spez killed reddit—- calling it now; a slow painful lingering shitty death.

    People will not put up with it once they know what is really going on.

    Let em know. “Pay-Per-Click” will not stand.

    277 months ago

    I know it’s only token resistance at this point because others have found their comments from Google searches even after their accounts have been deleted, but Power Delete Suite is busy churning away on mine right now.

        67 months ago


        My account was four years old. There was no way I was going to do it by hand. It took PDS 8 hours to get churn through all that crap.

        I had been meaning to delete my account earlier for opsec reasons, but just hadn’t gotten around to it.

    237 months ago

    “we are in the early stages of monetizing our user base,”

    If anyone on Reddit reads that and stays there willingly they are an idiot. Not they weren’t idiots for staying after the API changes but now they are even bigger idiots.

    7 months ago

    I’m in the early stages of becoming a billionaire. Now I just need approximately a smidge less than a billion dollars.

    807 months ago

    I’m still happy that I went through the effort to delete all my old posts when I left Reddit a while back. I periodically check if they’ve restored them and luckily it hasn’t happened so far. I do miss some of the bigger communities but overall I’m having a good time on Lemmy.

        • Atemu
          -17 months ago

          Your PII isn’t being sold here and you gave Reddit an irrevocable license to your content, so being in the EU doesn’t matter.

            • Atemu
              17 months ago

              The GDRP explicitly only applies to “personal data”

              1. This Regulation lays down rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data.

              which it defines as follows:

              ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person

              Please provide a quote where the GDPR says that it applies to anything but “personal data”.

          27 months ago

          Well, if you want to be sure that Reddit deleted your data, the time to bring it up is now. Ask questions, contact journalists, demand answers.

      • TheOneCurly
        87 months ago

        I wonder what the risks are to including deleted and pre-edited content in training data. Most of the edits are going to be typos and formatting, do you want 2-3 copies of the same message with typos in them for training data? Similarly, deleted comments are mostly nonsense, unhelpful, duplicate, or highly controversial things.

        If someone wants to dig through and find individual users to restore that’s one thing, but I don’t think I’d immediately choose to train off of that other data unless I had to.

          37 months ago

          It should be very easy to distinguish edits and deletes which were made within a few minutes or hours after writing a comment, from those made months or years later right around the reddit blackout.

      107 months ago

      After deleting all of my posts and comments Reddit decided to undelete them three days later and then proceeded to lock me out of my own account. Fucking bastards.

      17 months ago

      I am glad it makes you feel better but the reality is they still have your data. Just because you don’t see it on the front end doesn’t mean it isn’t still in the database with a “deleted” flag set. They aren’t hard deleting your comments.

      57 months ago

      I just left my comments on. I still use reddit when searching actual human responses from Google. Maybe one day someone might find my archived comments useful in the future.

      17 months ago

      Deleting your messages is just another data point for them. Reddit can train an AI on the originals and categorize you as a “comment deleter” to give them more information.

    97 months ago

    If you are planning to kill your reddit account, there is an app, Redact, which is available on the Apple and Play stores, that will allow you to nuke all your posts before you close it completely. Deny them your data.

    • sweetpotato
      67 months ago

      For better or for worse, Reddit has a super valuable archive that has basically replaced Google search for me, it’s insane how many times it has helped me solve small and big issues. I understand the logic, but it would still be a big blow for the internet if many people did that.