All they achieved was make me not ever engage with their website in any capacity. I’m not making an account, I’m not logging in. If I can’t see the content without logging in, or with a proxy, I’ll just never see it. It’s no sweat off my back if I can’t see some random porn someone linked in a group chat.
Hopefully, this ends up being good for the fediverse - if you have to log in to view posts, you’re probably much less likely to create an account, and maybe just a little bit likely to at least just creep on mastodon posts…
It amazes me how much effort people will go to in order to experience the shitshow that TwitXter is.
Just avoid entirely.
The sooner it dies the better society will be
all this does is make me completely uninterested in twitter. at least with nitter i would make an effort to use it to look at the few accounts that stayed in twitter that i liked
Twitter dies as Musk wins war against own service
Of course Elon is free to close twitter like this, as sad as it is. It’s his company (which already halved in value since he bought it…)
BUT, governments and officials really must stop using twitter for official communication at this point. It’s not OK to require people to make an account just to view their communication.
Our Dutch government actually set up their own Mastodon instance, but many politicians still continue to use twitter.
Still works for me without using a login.
It will work for a while until the guest account expires, but then you’ll need to log in with a Twitter account.
(I think)