Actually was part of a Muppets Calendar in 1997:
That’s fantastic, I would love to see a Trek / Pigs In Space crossover
A Muppets Trek would be amazing
The more I think about it, yes it would be a lot of fun!
Relevant (skip to 53:47)
OMG, Ms Piggy as Lwaxana would be perfect!!! That was really well thought out!
Disney buying Paramount? Not sure if that’s better or worse, given the idiots in charge of either company.
I forgot Disney bought the Hensen Company. I wouldn’t trust Disney with Trek.
I’ll absolutely take Gonzo the Great as a Spock replacement. Goes full illogical.
404 - image not found
Weird. It loads for me.
EDIT: Huh. Doesn’t now. Oh well.
Yeah, is return a ‘404 image’, meaning it’s on their side.
Oh well.
This one better fucking work.
Double Upvotes for Raul Julia if I could!